What we’ve learned: Blizzard sucks at afterlife stories.
I can’t really blame them though. Afterlife stories are about second to timey wimey stories in difficulty to write imo. It’s really hard to pin down the emotional stuff that comes with the territory.
Exactly what it is . It does no real change and really the only things they need to remove are references to those people that were in the Cosby suite as well as fire anyone guilty of any harassment there .
Unlike forum trolls like yourself, I don’t spout off unless I have something to contribute.
Blackmoore’s and the orc’s misogyny have to go.
It’s obscenely messed up.
That is what fiction and the creative arts are for. Bringing light and conversation to those types of issues instead of burring them.
Would you rather people had no idea of these topics and horrors and would possible repeat the same mistakes? It is bad for a reason, the antagonist is a repentation of what not to do and someone worth fighting against.
So you’re saying you want the obscenely evil acts of misogyny to stay?
That you’re in favor of them?
Are you saying people only learn about obscenely evil acts of misogyny in video games?
I’m going to assume you haven’t read Lord of the Clans, cause that’s what I’ve been doing since Draenei chick mentioned it. Blackmoore is obscenely messed up to Taretha, and not in a “this is what we shouldn’t do” kind of way.
Well none of this is real and if there was real misogyny happening to a female in real life I know I would say and do something about it because real action means something . Virtue Signaling is just fake rage . It means nothing
What happened to fictional characters being able to do and say bad things because they weren’t portrayed as the peak of morality? This just seems really silly to change. If Blizz wants to absolutely bleach their game of all things bad, can they retcon Sylvanas’s genocide on the night elves next?