Blizzard, remove your auto ban system

im willing to believe that if you are capable of explaining how he got banned when he did

But I was not speaking generally - I thought I was clear about that. Hiring more staff is not always a good solution. Nor is automation for the sake of automation. NEITHER should be pursued in a vacuum. Just like throwing money at something does not always fix it.

I was saying companies should seek solutions that help staff and the end customers. Further, not every improvement or change is done to squeeze pennies. Sometimes they are actually beneficial for everyone involved - like giving the item restore tool to the players. Some of these changes are EMPLOYEE driven, not driven by the executives. Moving trivial junk off their plate so they can do more interesting things is a common staff request.

Focus on the stuff that is detrimental to everyone - like low pay, Blizzbucks for an incentive/reward, opaque promotion process, etc.

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You recognize its troubling how often this has been necessary in recent weeks, right?

Yeah. You’re going way off on tangents.

All I was trying to say is Blizzard seems to be quite flippant with their suspensions.

Obvious Glizzly alt is obvious.



The guy in question got mass reported and was suspended/couldn’t log into the game because he got mass reported maliciously.

Arguing that he was suspended and not banned is just semantics…he was forcibly pushed offline and temporarily suspended by other players who maliciously abused the report system. This isn’t the first time people have reported this happening either.

I’ve seen people argue the semantic differences between ‘suspended’ and ‘banned’ and it misses the Crux of the issue.

Are we to believe a GM reviewed the reports and incompetently kicked him offline without investigating? Then after a 2nd competent GM showed up and reversed the decision?

You believe multiboxers have Game Master powers?

thats quite a far reach. but it is obvious a large group of players can abuse a system that automatically refuses gameplay to whoever they desire

That’s a question you are asking, not me.

I have no doubt multi boxers don’t have the power to summon Onyxia or Emeriss on top of somebody they believe to be botting etc.

Players obviously don’t have all the tools Game Masters have.

That does not mean players do not have have tools which can be abused.

Separate ideas Delimicus.

How is it a far reach? How many people do you believe are required to report someone at the same time for this fabled “auto-ban” to kick in? If it’s more than 20, 30; 40? What purpose would it serve? It’s obviously not effective at dealing with bots, so the only case in which it would kick in would be when large groups of players conspire to maliciously report someone to have them automatically suspended/banned?

In what world does this make sense? Why would Blizzard create a system that is ineffective at banning actual cheaters and only serves to ban innocent players which then leads to backlash like this.

Way to mischaracterize what they said. They don’t see the specific business practices that they cited as bad. They didn’t OK all of Blizzard’s business practices like you’re implying.

well for one, multiboxers dont have game master powers.

Correct, they don’t. They don’t have the power to ban someone with reports, therefore they don’t have GM powers. Glad we could come to an agreement that players cannot ban or suspend other players with reports.

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That’s not how arguments work Delimicus…

This isn’t an argument, this is me responding to unrealistic conspiracy theories.

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ok so you say gm powers to mean the ability to ban people with reports. because gm powers can mean a lot of different things.

so its a commonly held understanding within the classic community that there is a method of community based silencing and denial of service based griefing that can be accomplished if a group of players were so inclined. this is what we are talking about. im not really sure of how it works because ive never been interested in trying it. but ive heard of it happening many different times over the course of wow classic’s uptime evidence of what im talking about

There’s plenty of commonly held beliefs that are not true, this is another. Players cannot silence other players with right-click reports. The chat mute that occurs automatically from right-click reports is known colloquially as a squelch.

The squelch is a system that has been in place since 2007, originally implemented to primarily deal with gold spammers. It’s temporary and is removed or upgraded into a silence upon GM review. A silence is an ever increasing penalty that is applied by a GM after they review spam reports.

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fair enough. it does make me wonder why that dude got banned exactly when he did though

No Delimicus, you asked a question which people responded to:

Do players have ‘Game Master Powers’?

People responded and were like ‘No, players don’t have all the powers a GM has’.

Then you’re like “SEE! I proved my point about players not having any system based power to temporarily suspend/ban/push other players offline!”

Except you didn’t…because it’s two separate concepts.

This is just a blatant straw man from you.
It is irritating, because I know you possess enough intelligence to understand what you are doing.

It’s possible players don’t have the ability to mass report and temp suspend/ban someone offline…but it’s also possible they do?

What comforts you more Delimicus? That the Horde player got mass reported…a GM reviewed it and screwed up royally issuing him a suspension (ie. System works the way you imagine it does…but it failed miserably) OR the Horde player got mass reported and punted offline by an internal system until a GM reviewed it and went:

“Hmmm…something isn’t right here…how come a bunch of people from the same guild mass reported this guy??? I’m no detective…but this seems shady…”

Neither scenario comforts me much.