Blizzard Raid UI control

I have decided , after many years away from it, to try to start healing with my pally. I was studying the Icy Veins discussions and saw a video on how to set up Blizzard Raid Frames for healing. The video shows moving and sizing the raid frames through a pop-out control panel on the left edge of the screen, near the top. I remember seeing that panel in the past, but as I try to experiment with the instructions in the video, I no longer find the panel on the edge of my screen. Did that control panel go away in BFA? Was it perhaps replaced with something else? Thanks in advance for any enlightenment.

Are you in a raid group?

You might have to be in a raid group to see it.

Thanks for the quick reply. I had that same thought but my wife is on, and we are in the same party with another player, and she has that missing panel on her screen - that I still do not have on mine. That at least answers the question of whether or not it’s gone - it’s definitely not gone. I guess I’ll try running the repair utility. After that I’ll have to try disabling add-ons - maybe do those in reverse order. I am running Healbot, which functions similar to a raid ui, perhaps that’s the offending element.

don’t worry about repair. healbot is hiding the bar. most people use addons like healbot to set click casts with elvui, grid, or whatever frames they’re using. i use vuhdo for highly customizable frames and setting binds in one.

Problem solved. The offending addon was MoveAnything, which I can live without or re-enable it if and when I need it. Once I disabled it that raid ui control panel returned and functioned as advertised. Yet another little gem of knowledge to tuck away for possible future use or sharing. :wink:

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