Blizzard purposely reduced honor gains

This shouldn’t even be a question, ofcourse they did. Why? microtransactions. They know good and well the honor system is completely screwed and isn’t giving the amount it should compared to the original BC. Honor gains from winning bgs/kills are pathetic and blizzard is sitting idly by acting like its all good and well. They are going to introduce either WoW tokens to BC so people can easily pay for carriers “look at retail” or simply a way to buy honor with real life $$.

There is ZERO reason to do battlegrounds at the moment, the que times for horde can take up to 50 minutes and even when you do get into a bg and hopefully win, the honor you gain is so garbage that it’s simply not worth it. I played BC classic to pvp, I adored BC and Wotlks pvp and I wanted to experience it once again because retail has become a joke of a game but as it stands I can’t even do what I planned because of blizzards incompetence.

If you need anymore proof that honor gains aren’t where they should be look here How we REALLY got our TBC honor (with sources) - #1048 by Bankofugly-area-52.


What microtransactions can blizzard sell you if you fall behind in honor? I can’t find extra honor in the cash shop. I don’t think PvP gear is purchasable with a wow token either.

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Some guy completely debunked this in another thread. Had pictures from original BC and everything. It’s the same. I’ll look for it if you make me, but I really don’t want to.

You can youtube TBC PvP footage videos and see the honor is the same.

So this whole thread is based on misinformation. Aren’t you relieved? You can relax and go play


To use an old line, dollars to doughnuts that the lead dev who did this probably came from retail.

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Fat chance.

I’ve already linked a thread showing old photos of the honor gains from TBC and how they were much higher, if you have proof that im wrong and that thread was wrong then link your proof instead of talking out of your midget behind.

Here’s the post

Blizzard could sell a Super Deluxe package. Pay $10 per month and get put into the first class section of queues where you get moved to the head of the line. Like first class passengers get boarded first on airliners. Capitalism solves all problems.

If that link is correct and mine is wrong then i’ll eat crow. But regardless the que times need to be dealt with a friend of mine said he sat in a eots que for 56 minutes.

Did honor change within the span of original BC?

probably boosts for alliance

Bonus honor no doubts about it but the honor gains per hour may still be wrong overall. What I mean is in original tbc that I also played at launch I was in no starvation for honor points, but getting the damn AV and EOS tokens was kinda miserable because all i wanted to do was live in the arena. I had the full blue set, and all 4 epic sets and weapons in TBC and the getting of the offset items wasn’t even hard.

Something sure seems odd, I think it’s the honor per kill because it’s the only thing that makes sense.

This thread is a lie and the OP should feel bad for trying to mislead people.

The problem with TBC is a trash community, not a trash developer, even if Blizzard is a shell of its former self.

This community has become full of entitled, hand-fed reliant, and now lying members who are willing to completely degrade themselves in anyway possible for any advantage they perceive.

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Holy based. And true

Yea, towards the end the honor was nerfed. The gains were much higher in the beginning and 2/3rds of the way through.

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