I mean, I’m sure there is nothing to hide from your subscribers, right? Cmon, just post the faction win rates for non-rated BGs for the last couple of years, eh?
They wouldn’t do it because of backlash. I spent the past few days gearing my dk and doing random epic bgs on alliance. I won 2 games out of maybe 16 games. Still have 2 more wins to go before I complete my weekly quest. Love getting one shot by 42k boomies… while my team afks half the time. They are either demoralized and accept losses, botting, or someone is honor boosting. Its been a bad week.
what times do you play, pray tell? Its been Ally premeds all over, and nonstop losses for me on multiple alts. Lots of lvl 60 in low level brackets too, lots of Ally premades. I usually /afk if it is clearly 1-sided, so not sure if that counts as a loss and skews my win/loss ratio.
It would be 50/50
If it was 50/50, they’d be posting it. The last time any data came out on this was in 2011, and the ratios weren’t even 50/50 then.
I do random BGs almost exclusively and exclusively alliance. When I am moderately well geared and practiced, our win rate is very good. When I am undergeared and out of practice, our win rate is poor. If you are always losing bgs it might be you.
Last night I went 2-10 in random battlegrounds. The 10 losses were absolute whippings. The 2 wins were by the skin of my teeth. 20% win rate sucks.
You’re kidding right? They haven’t posted anything in ages. We can’t get responses to anything. But yeah they’re totally gonna post win rates
I believe he means the usual politically-correct corporate response: wn/lose ratio is 50/50 for both fractions, everything is great folks, the game is perfectly balanced, keep rolling in those subscriptions chumps, our new luxury yachts need some upgrades, really how can you all forum folks be so insensitive?
They won’t post any sort of numbers cause they know of how much crap they would get for the amount of bias they have towards Horde.
I mean not only do they have 90% of the top 100 guilds in pve, they have the majority in pvp ranking and casual. I don’t even know why Merc mode is still active for Horde as well, oh cause their feelers are hurt cause they have to wait longer for queue times?, pssh I stopped playing retail WoW cause finding groups for pve as Alliance is dog @#$% compared to Horde.
this pally’s REflex since feb 21 2021 with my degenerate sleep schedule
yeah dont do those, nothing good comes out of it lol
Then they post them and they turn out to be 51/49 and you’ll have Ion telling you to “Git Gudder” again
I’m curious what you think this will accomplish?
I’m over 50% win rate as a solo q alliance player
The main problem with “win-rates” is that unfinished BGs don’t get recorded anywhere (they certainly don’t get recorded by Blizzard’s armory), so you can simply leave losses to inflate your statistics. There is no way to determine what the true win %'s are due to people’s dishonesty.
For example, I allegedly have an 84% win-rate in Wintergrasp, but there’s no possible way that’s accurate since I usually leave that particular BG. “Win/loss rates” are a joke, a totally meaningless number
Even addons like Reflex don’t pick up/record unfinished BGs, so it’s fairly easy to “manufacture” a good-looking W/L screenshot so long as you simply leave the losing BGs.
Now, if unfinished/left early BGs were changed to count as “losses” on your record, then maybe win/loss rates would mean something.
While reflex data can be manipulated, you can at least look at the time frames. Someone with a lot of gaps between games during a session probably leaves a lot
I do wish afking out did count as a loss though
they should count as DNFs.
I’ve been collecting data based on peoples Armory info that i’ve seen here on the forums. While the data is incomplete so far i’ve found
Out of 46,119 games played from Horde players, 65.02% of them are wins. And from 44,864 games played from Alliance, 57.35% are wins.
I’m still collecting information, as I hope to get 100,000 games played for alliance and horde, but it’s seemed to have settled around these numbers.
Cool! I was wondering what happened to the data! Lol are those including epics?
Yes those are. Once I collect my goal then i’m going to split them up even further.