I am having so much fun in Season of Discovery, I’m sure many of us are. There are many quality of life changes that benefit the player. However, There is one more thing I believe would be amazing in SoD. Consider removing the 2 minute rez timer. Drop it down to 30 seconds max. I love to pvp I do it everyday. But I spent more time dead smoking my goodies than I am alive smoking the horde. Please Blizzard do something about this REZ TIMER. Love you
The rez timer is INTENDED to be a penalty for dying.
Maybe try putting some effort towards surviving.
Dying is inevitable. No one is unkillable. Blizzard punishing the player for death does not have to happen. Death in itself is punishment enough when you have to run back to your body. But running back to your body just to sit there for 2 minutes dead is not good for the players or the health and longevity of the game.
There should be a res timer for obvious reasons but I agree it should be 30-45 seconds max. 2 minutes is just way too long and pointless…especially in BRM while the PvP event is active.
What would be the “obvious reason”? On your first death you already have instant rez. So its not like its not in the game. 30 seconds should be the maximum, same as a Battleground. There is 0 reason why we need long rez timers. Back in the day players would abuse the honor grind by honor trading, but that was because we had honor decay and it was a never ending grind. That was the choice of blizzard by the way they made the pvp back then. we no longer have the honor decay and obtaining the honor is incredibly easy. Having these 2 minute timers or anything over 30 seconds is griefing the players for no reason.
I think the obvious reason for having at least a small res timer is to keep someone from endlessly spawning right on top of you after you killed them and vice versa, that would be kinda obnoxious, 30-45 seconds is enough time to recover via food and force strategy without being stupid and wasting your time. Take Deadwind Pass for example, the graveyard is right there at the entrance to Kara Crypts where most of the PvP happens. Imagine if there was no res timer there at all? It would be an endless insta-resing zergfest lol.
But I think we basically agree that open world res timers shouldn’t be any longer than it takes to res in a BG.
Bruv you need to go outside and see some light , Touch some actual grass instead of living that hermit life. Your post is actual pointless not to mention SOD’s on its last leg
A toxic classic andy forum troll telling someone to go outside is quite rich.
Can tell this guy just lives in a basement waiting on a spawn timer
You should hold his hand bro
Perhaps if you distance yourself from the pain you feel playing retail or era, you would not be so negative. Try out SoD maybe you’ll like it
Im looking at all you man kids cry over pointless little things. Its funny asf tbh
Nah what I see is players giving their opinions online to help better the game they spend their time on. But I also see individuals like yourself who go online and spend their time ragebaiting or being toxic for the luls. Its saddening man. Perhaps your upset I’ve put you on a 2 minute timer. May the light find you brother
It’s alright mate, I’m sure you’re hopeful that this train wreck of a game will turn around for you and your 5+ Alts you have heavily invested too much time in to give up
Brother you don’t even have the confidence to post on your main character. Have some balz. Come play SoD or the very least post on a SoD character. You children are exhausting. I do appreciate you responding every time though. Keeps the post alive
Have some “Balz” … Brother go get some fresh air in those hermit lungs bruv. It looks needed
Ha good one! thanks brother
Most welcome