Stop giving us repeat soulbound Battle Pets that you can only have one of, that cannot be caged, and that have no vendor sell value. I keep putting these pets into my characters’ void storage for when you change the setup, but it is annoying. There are also pets that you can have three of that are soulbound that you cannot cage, but you can keep getting, that also have no vendor value. Here are some of them.
One of:
Shaking Pet Carrier - Jingles
Baa’lial Soulstone - Baa’lial
Tobias’ Leash - Tobias
A Tiny Infernal Collar - Fel Pup
Portentous Present - Portentous Present
Hogs’ Studded Collar - Hogs
Broot - Broot
Three of:
Nightmare Lasher
Glass of Warm Milk - Pygmy Cow
just let them be vendorable, but that seems to be too easy a solution
I know. 10g will not break the economy, but its better than not being able to do anything with them.
Vendorable is easy, for pets and mounts, but always leads to situations where people incautiously vendor their items and then complain about it. I’m pretty sure that’s why the devs are reluctant to make them vendorable.
Now, you might say “Well, if they vendored it, that’s on them for being stupid” (which, btw, is inaccurate: a lot of things caused by momentary inattention are often called “stupid”, but that’s another day’s rant) but you’re not the one fielding the complaints.
Ideally, these items wouldn’t drop a second time, or would be vendorable only if you already have it, but that does introduce more logic into code that may already look like a cat’s cradle.
So there is no cost-free solution.
There are plenty of small annoyances. Typing “Delete” is just another.
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I dunno, I’ve felt pretty stupid when I realize I’ve vendored something I shouldn’t have. That said, there are systems to get items back that you’ve accidentally sold, either via the buyback tab or Item Restoration page.
I’ve deleted so many Clockwork Bots and Jingles this year while trying to get Grunch
It would be nice to have something to show for it.