@Blizzard Please stop forcing us to use pets we don't like

I know this has been said a million times, but I’m saying it again.

  • If I’m in arena, I have to bring a Mortal Wounds pet. There is no other option
  • If my m+ group needs bloodlust I have to bring a Primal Rage pet. There is no other option.

Please let us bring the pet we want, not the pet we’re forced to bring.

If no other change makes it to hunters please, please give us this. This is a pure QoL issue. Not much different than transmog. It breaks nothing.

There’s a million ways to do this.

  • Bring back pet talent trees
  • Let us train any pet at a trainer to know the family/type abilities of our choosing.
  • Make the abilities “spirit of the beast” or whatever abilities that we choose… any pet we use picks them up
  • Put the pet abilities in a choice node in our talent tree and get rid of some of the other 2 point nodes
  • Let us buy an item from the trainer that we can use to set the abilities
  • Make them glyphs we can use on our pets to give them abilities
  • Get creative and come up with another option

But please… just let us bring the pet we want to bring.


Personally I think it would be neat if our class tree had several choice nodes where one choice was a utility or pet ability that the pet could bring, the other choice was perhaps a different thing that you bring (so lonewolf can happen). Sometimes they might be similar abilities with different CD/duration/whatever like a stun caused by you vs a stun caused by a pet, other times it could be just different utility options. Would be better than what we got right now.


Tbh a better argument would be that in most cases you’ll be running specifically an undead raptor (since master’s call + undead to dodge some CC)

which even with pet talents won’t be fixed/resolved

That’s why I’m asking for family/type abilities to apply to any pet. Family ability in that case is master’s call, type ability is mortal strike. If you want the undead properties then apply those to an undead pet.

In most cases a non-undead pet is a better general hunter pet. Undead pets are immune to a few spells like poly that have to be hard casted on the pet, however undead pets will be stunned by pallies doing their normal rotation.

These complaints are such nonsense there are hundreds of pet looks to choose from, like min 3 families each ability and spec.

Even just looking at your example, there are 12 families in the mortal wounds category, 3 in cunning, 5 in ferocity and 4 in tenacity. If you cant find a pet that matches your tastes in that, then this is a you problem.

Your real issue, and im going to go out on a limb becuase I haven’t looked at your profile, is that you only mostly only do 1 type of content and that’s why you want this change.

Bro try m+, try playing a diff spec, try doing raiding, try doing world content, try pvp. I play most aspects of this game and I get to enjoy a bunch of different looks and regularly use the pets I like the look of all the time becuase im playing the whole game. If you want variety explore the variety of the game dont play one aspect and then complain.

Wrong. Why would you just troll someone else’s feedback like this? I value the lore and the fantasy… I have certain pets I never get to use in end game content because I need to bring a particular ability, not a favorite pet. Why is it such a big deal to you if I want my pet to look like a bear and not a rat? It’s literally a cosmetic change.

I don’t raid, I have a family and cannot dedicate blocked off time that many times per week. I do run m+ and I pvp/arena. Both m+ and pvp require that I bring certain abilities. Pets I love can’t be used.

Also wrong. I need to bring master’s call as well. That means my choices are a rat, a raptor, or a hyena from 20 years ago.


Step 1: Make every pet the exact same. Basic Attack, Speed, Growl.
Step 2: Allow every pet to be trained one special ability. MS, Shield Wall, Slow, Dodge, Etc.
Step 3: Allow exotic pets to be trained one additional special ability. Includes Spirit Mend, etc.
Step 4: Have a 3 option node in the class tree that allows the hunter to select Primal Rage, Master’s Call or Survival of the Fittest.
Step 5: Have a 3 option node in the class tree that allows the hunter to select Leech, Increased Health or Movement Speed
Step 6: Make Animal Companion mirror your active pet or glyph to an existing pet in your stable. (New Stable UI might have resolved this)

If you want to PvP with a Dog with MS, have Increased Health and Master’s Call you know have a real choice.


MS should come from the hunter rather then the pet imo anyways. Other then that I really like Dreaux’s ideas.

These two ideas are incredible, would of gone great with the class/spec tree reworks we should of gotten.


This is what i was saying, you play a very narrow slice of the overall game probably at a reasonable high level compared to the avg player, if you do this its just part of deal that you have to sacrifice cosmetics for performance. There are tons of hard core mages who im sure love frost but play fire becuase it does more dps. Bottom line is if you played more of the game and maybe more of the casual content you would be able to use the pets you want for more time.

I raid, do m+, do random bgs, old and new world content and i use different species all the time. You can’t expect diversity when you play uniformly.

No this is wrong heynas where updated in 2018 so one of the newest models not one from 20 years ago.

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Says who exactly?


Reality. If you like MM hunter you will have to sacrifice not being a lone archer to be more competitive in dps. If you like frost dk you will have to sacrifice that to go unholy for the same reasons and so on and so on.

This is just the reality of a multiplayer competitive game.

Yeah I had always thought that MS should have been from a Hunter Sting and not a pet, especially when Pet AI pathing was “What in the hell is going on” back in the day. I understand why they link it to pets but I don’t agree with it. It hurts Lonewolf MM the most. I have also thought Master’s Call should have been applied by a dire beast system.


I got gladiator as survival in season 1 of SL, surv was trash, you do NOT have to.

I think it should be spec based.

Mongoose bite from surv, barbed shot from BM, and Aimed shot from MM (MM is hardest to think of).

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comparing pet customisation to playing a different spec is such an awful comparison lmao


You have to swap mogs to enter this raid…


Not a bad idea… Maybe Cobra Shot for BM and Serpent Sting for SV/MM to follow a theme of snake bite - there’s lots of other venom/poison type effects in the game that apply MS.

You have to have match the colours of your mog to the theme of the raid otherwise you will die upon entering

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You want to Orange Parse don’t you? Get that mog in order. No Parking on the Dance Floor.

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Yea that can be a thing to though I think you should be rewarded with the MS for good gameplay and serpent sting isn’t.

For example Surv is supposed to be a melee/ranged hybrid in arena so making MS come from mongoose bite rewards survival hunters who are good at knowing when to go in with the MS.

Barbed shot rewards BM hunters for not just spamming all their abilities.

MM again is the hardest one for this but Aimed shot is definitely something that takes more thought then other things.

It’s not really that much different since serpent sting is applied with Aimed Shot and Mongoose Bite anyway.