Blizzard please remove 50% pvp only warrior nerfs

no need for them anymore ty ggs

I thought blizzard was supposed to remove all PvP nerfs?

on what planet? :earth_americas:

So ive been trying to pvp on my warrior on retail and i have to say it feels absolutely terrible. Full geared usually ait around 2.2k in arenas. Im doing like no damage in comparison to most other classes. I really hope this isnt the intended gameplay for warriors in the war within. If so it will be a dead class

Oh, no. This is just armor values being tuned around with war within and too high temporarily, so stuff should be fine in a month or so. Just very unfun until then, but prepatches are always kind of busto.

Ah gotcha. Currently warrior isnt even viable at all in pvp. Ret and dk is doing so much more damage. I havent gotten really good testing in on bera yet since the que times are long.

In a developer interview, they said they were going to start from a fresh slate regarding PvP tuning. They mentioned they would remove all PvP nerfs and buffs, essentially pressing the reset switch, so they can rebalance during this expansion.

Martial prowess still nerfed :pensive:

Pray do tell, in which expansion’s first season wasn’t Arms S Tier?

All these pre patch tears remind us of twitter mages anytimr their class isn’t the highest burst/tankiest/most control wizard.

A lot of PvP tuning was removed in prepatch notes iirc