Blizzard PLEASE add a PvP vendor

I have done what feels like eight thousand battlegrounds in the past few months farming this ACCURSED transmog and I am still missing the shoulderpads. I am to believe that it goes away forever in a week’s time and I feel like I’m stuck in a Beckett play. PLEASE add a PvP vendor. Please. I didn’t want to spend the first two weeks of the new patch breaking my body against battleground after battleground in a totally aleatoric pursuit.


Did you know I had this up

Discussing it here. :point_down:

Blizzard said that if a pvp vendor was added people would get confused about where to go.

When they added the Azerite Armor trader, i bought water instead of food for my DK and man i was clicking Talanji instead of the flying point. Damn vendors, they make the game so confusing.


Yeah, vendors are really confusing…Please play my game for me someone, I can’t be trusted to make decisions.


Blizz thinks it’s playerbase is too incompetent to make decisions.
Honestly, I can’t disagree with that sentiment for a fair portion of the players lmfao.
But any player who doesn’t know how to deduce which piece of gear they should get from a vendor is the type of player who is otherwise worthless and won’t make any impact regardless of their gear. Aka who cares about them? Don’t cater to the bottom of the barrel.
Bring back vendors so the people with an IQ higher than that of a french fry have some form of player agency and control over their own gameplay.

some unhealthy disconnected bliz dev is dancing with glee that you had so much /timeplayed to attempt to get that reward

this game is going downhill

It’s amazing that once I get 500 conquest this week I am going to “earn” the very same pair of pants I have had for at least several months now (I believe longer). And this is the week following a major patch.

The “players getting confused” is an absolute BS excuse and an insulting one at that. The devs want to corral the players in the BGs multiple days a week.


Sadly, it has the opposite effect on me. In WoD I was in BG’s 99% of the time, the whole expansion. I think I did each dungeon once (not even mythic/heroic) and maybe 2 bosses of one raid for the entire expansion. The rest was PvP on multiple toons and it was glorious. Gearing alts via the vendor was enjoyable and motivating. Using honour for lesser gear was a great mechanic, especially on alts. I don’t even know what honour does now, nor do I seem to care.


Blizz hates fun so no pvp vendor even tho wod/mop style was perfect

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Yep, you played right into their hands. They got exactly what they wanted out of you.

In order to get what YOU want, you have to NOT give them what they want.

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