Blizzard on Legion Timewalking Mage Tower Tuning

Nerfs incoming!

I got God-Queen’s Fury to about 15% tonight. Should I keep trying, or should I just go to bed and hope for nerfs?

I have tried one on my main here, I get to p3 pretty fast but TOO many adds and they take forever to burn down, while dealing with 2 bosses and one summoning a instant death add if it cast its ability.

well… losers wait for nerfs. winners log in and kill the God-Queen.

Every time I take a break from wiping on the MT, it feels like all my practice goes out the window.

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In other words, 1 or 2% from HP or something. Wont make a dang bit of difference. Two weeks will go by and those who dont get it will unsub until it comes around again.

So here is the real question:

Which would you have preferred - for the Mage Tower to be permanently unavailable, as they indicated at the end of Legion, or for it to be in this current state?

Its one of those “do it right or dont do it at all” scenarios. A bit like player housing for me; if they cant do it well and get it right, Id rather they not do it and ruin my hopes and expectations.

I have this feeling that no matter what they do, it will be a bit of a wreck. If they nerf it into the ground then any sense of satisfaction or achievement will be destroyed, or if they dont manage to balance it, there will be equal amounts of dissatisfaction. If it remains partly or wholy incredibly difficult then these sorts of complaints will go on and on forever, to the point where Mage Tower becomes a new swear word.


Hopefully more then just the bloody 1% can do it once they nerf it


Pretty sure you don’t have a clue when or what they will change but okay

He’s going for the pessimistic point of view which I don’t blame him from having personally. But yeaaa’ we will just have to wait and see.

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Theres going to be a mass unsub when timewalking goes away if its not nerf appropriately. People will only resub when it comes back

Sometimes Sigyrn doesn’t do her voice line for the valkyr and they just erase my face. >:(

I doubt it, honestly. If they aren’t able to do it in two weeks, I don’t really see them able to do it in a week, nearly five months from now. It really should be up year round, but I’ve been saying that since TW began in the first place.

I’d love to see every dungeon in the game available for M+ every week. Talk about variety. Imagine doing RFC +15 or WC +10. It’d be glorious. THAT’S the kind of content people want.


If people don’t get the form or gear they want within a 2 week span, even by the end of the week, they won’t be back.

I don’t blame them. Who wants to spend 15 dollars to wipe 1000 times for a week and get nothing?


If Blizzard had plan on it being this challenging from the start then they would just say it “working as intended”, and not touch anything.

Them going back and saying that they may have “that some of the challenges for certain specializations are more difficult than intended” then they know they done goofed on the math. Being on the PTR for a day obviously was not enough time to test it fully and they had to let player test it live for them.

Blizzard is just in a rush to push out content faster than they have time to give it a okay.