Blizzard No stop nerfing Fury/Warriors in General

Continuing the discussion from 20th Anniversary Update PTR Development Notes:

Blizzard this isn’t the way to fix Fury damage you’re completely making the entire spec Worst.

Is literally just a minor damage buff it completely is just a band aid on a problem that’s been happening since you gave us the talent system since Dragonflight. We’re STRUGGLING too remain relevant for M+ when we lack utility and require massive amount of damage too even stay viable. You guys are taking datasets from Heroic week on Bosses that had extreme amount of AOE for 4/8 bosses.(No one had their Tier sets yet)

If you saw the recent dataset we’re literally at THE BOTTOM(surprise surprise all other classes that got their tier set is 10x better than fury) why are you nerfing warriors even more and not fixing the wholesale problem you’re currently seeing. The Current Talent system and entire warrior REWORK needs to happen.

You nerfed Commanding shout into a wet noodle going into this Expansion so we losing utility even more and our Battleshout doesn’t do much but ‘extra damage’ like No. Actually sit down with your developers and fix this class we’ve been through this same cycle over and over again. Actually do something than give us tiny excuses or not even respond too the changes at all which you’ve done for past 3-5 patches or even weeks of hotfixes where you gave NO explaination until now when we’ve been angry at you get an input.

Geez I wonder why it’s outperforming it’s like we’ve been literally gimped into going fully mastery/damage abilities just too even be remotely good.

This is such a minor buff/insignificant one that barely anyone is choosing Colossus Hero talent and only for PVP. It’s suppose to be a great single target Hero talent but it’s anything but that / barely people choose it over Slayer Arms.

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Actually several of the top Arms Warriors in Mythic + are using Colossus. It has a very consistent Damage Profile, backed up by Demolish and Cleave.

But yes these Fury changes don’t really do anything (And in Slayer’s case catching additonal nerfs), but it at least brings some talents closer together in terms of potency.

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That’s a problem with Blizzard they have 0 idea what fury warrior is like, why did people switch to Fury early in the expansion etc. The changes they’re doing it telling since they don’t actually play the class or the spec itself at all. You have Fire mages all the way at the top of the damage board consistently getting 4-5 weeks BUFFS too point it’s default bring too M+

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Arms Warrior needs help in pvp. Our utility is in the gutter, our damage is low. We have to many of our modifiers nerfed in pvp. We use to many talent points to get a basic spells that should be baseline spec or warrior spells.

https:// i.imgur .com/HYmrZrr .jpeg

I’ve actually notice still extremely less Arms warrior in PVP in this season. It just sucks that fury is EXACT opposite in it’s problem for PVE not even for PVP. Like it’s just telling they really don’t even play our class.