Blizzard needs to stop moralising the player base

yeah, sad to say that blizzard can’t write expansions anymore without a unhealthy dosage of oldgod/void stuff now.

Its safe to say its gonna play a big part in shadowlands.

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… I missed some important datamine stuff didn’t I? … sigh

If they are trying to teach is moral lessons, they fail completely. I know of a numbers of quests that are quite morally reprehensible, like the one where some guys son dies in a battle, and since a Golbin provided key intel, he has you run out and murder Goblin miners for racist revenge.


Tell that to the geniuses behind Gigli, Batman & Robin, The Room and Sharknado.


Nothing wrong with those concepts. Hell however many years back I thought the LEGO Movie was the stupidest thing I’d ever heard but that was so generally well received people were mad it wasn’t nominated for an Oscar.

On the WoW front, though I wasn’t playing at the time, MoP sounded awful. Warcraft: Kung Fu Panda edition, really? But the content I’ve seen from it is pretty solid and people fondly remember it. Meanwhile I was so hyped for BFA and look how that turned out.


I’m just here to point out that the title of this otherwise pointless thread needs a preposition as part of the predicate. Because I keep seeing it and being annoyed.

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I just wanted to state that Garrosh Hellscream did absolutely nothing wrong and that his place is in Bastion, the home of the righteous.

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You didn’t, but Blizzard is just incapable of not including them. They even shoved them into the big Burning Legion finale expansion to the point the Void was the bigger focus on the Legion’s homeworld than the Legion itself. I do not for a second believe we aren’t going to see obnoxious screaming tentacle monsters turning people “insane” for lolreasons in Shadowlands.

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Bastion isnt heaven

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It is the home of the righteous though, is it not?

nope its where the most dutiful go to

No it’s where you go if your personality is duty above all else. None of the Shadowlands zones are based on morality or religion.

Hey OP, I generally agree with you. Not sure where the discussion has gone now, but I really think this IP could use a great deal of nuance because right now, the one-dimensional storytelling really lacks any realism which to me is immersion breaking and actively disengages me from the story and game.

Blizz needs to do what authors like Rowling did and recognize that their fanbase gets older so they need to go that direction with their storytelling too.

Unfortunately, it seems that they can only use one size of brush - a massive one that blots out any nuance or layer. If you’re good, you’re an angelic, beyond-reproach lawful goody-good and if you’re bad, you’re puppy-kicking, world tree burning Sylvanas.

Huh now that you’ve mentioned it. … there’s not a single expansion without any Old God or Void stuff. Vanilla was mostly based on Old Gods, Naxx was just tacked on in the end. BC had Old Gods in Outland, and started the whole Old Gods = big bad stuff. WotLK Ulduar, Cata Old God Expansion, MoP Y’Shaarj, WoD Cho’Gall, Legion as you’ve mentioned. Priest’s Void weapon became the prominent artifact in both Legion and BfA. BfA turned into Old God expansion when it even shouldn’t. Still miffed that we got some made up Blood Old God when Hakkar was perfect for the bill. Now he’s going to die as a normal dungeon boss, sad.

Can we have on Expansion without any Old God and Void stuff at all?

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Technically Revendreth, as it’s meant to be a jail/rehabilitation center. But with torture!

I don’t think Warcraft has ever had a interesting story. Warcraft is good at world building and side narratives.


… The Maw?


Those stories didn’t fail because people hated the idea or premise. They ‘failed’ due to poor executions… and even that’s arguable. Hundreds of terrible (and great) films come out every year and are completely forgotten, but I’m willing to bet most of us have seen and are more familiar with these 4 films more than we are with a lot of the ‘classics’.

Tons of people enjoy camp. I know I do.


That’s if you’re a threat to the Shadowlands.

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Ah, my bad then.