Blizzard needs to stop moralising the player base

I disagree.

General Discussion has a weighted Hammer Hand forged in a corporate Hades and served to their chosen mortals to propagate their idea of Deliverance.

The Story Forums has previously been a tad more open as far as discussion when compared to GD. More open to opinion and chicanery. A modus vivendi.

I guess all good things must come to an end. With a thunderous applause.

By the by I got banned for a week for making certain implications about Illidain and that Den of Mortal Delights in Black Temple.

Likewise I’d gotten shorter bans for bleeping out swear words with %#@@ and the like. You know, precisely like how the in game profanity filter works.

You can be as unpleasant or asinine as you wish just dont suggest any naughty thoughts or language. That’d be ever so improper.

Well I did mention proper moderation before. I suppose I should have repeated it.

And I’d generally chalk clumsy heavy handed moderation there as opposed to here to the fact that there’s much more mess they have to deal with. The difference between GD and the story forums is a matter of numbers. More people = stuff you have to moderate.

But let’s not act like less moderation would allow it to become some haven of civility and enlightened friendly debate.

Well that is your problem. Unless you have been ignoring Warcraft lore since at least Warcraft 3 you know this was always Blizzard’s stance. Hell, even Warcraft 2 had some small semblance of it. The Alliance united even with all it ovbious difference because they knew there bigger fish to fry.

Nearly every great media has done this. Star Wars, Harry Potter, Lord of the Ring, etc. And lets be honest here, everyone of them have their own little unbelievable elements to them and sometimes less then consistent lore.

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Name one story that doesnt have a sort of moral, wow was always a anti war story. you just didnt notice it before cause you didnt care or whatever

 a really thinly veiled “Put the War back in Warcraft” thread? Also, screw the faction conflict. It is, without a doubt, the most shallow, poorly handled story thread in all of World of Warcraft. It barely functioned as a C-Plot cold war to justify PvP on a story level, and every damned time it takes center stage for even a moment its garbage. It was not good before, that is a myth. It was simply people pretending it was good because it was such an empty story concept they were able to headcannon whatever they hell they wanted into it.


There is a difference between moralizing war and moralizing war with “why cant we be friends despite our differences”. One has potential by covering the brutality of war(Saving private ryan for instance) the other is writing out wish fulfillment(in a bizarre way). This isnt star trek.

Unless they plan to do “monster of the week” only stories(which would be awful), what they propped up in bfa is nonsense even from a conceptual standpoint.


Actually that was their formula for Classic and it demonstrably seems popular. Keep the Red VS Blue story to a cold war and give us interesting monsters to fight in the meanwhile.

Faction Wars as a narrative don’t work here. Neither the Horde or Alliance can ever really win because of the nature of the game. So their fights should be in the background.

All faction war storylines are going to die in a miserable fashion as due to the nature of WoW - no one can win or lose. Not totally. There’s never going to be avenging armies marching through Orgrimmar or Stormwind.

Keeping the faction conflict to a cold war with flash points is the only sensible way forward.


Goodness those commercials are cringe.

Anyways. Faction wars are stupid because status quo is God.

Also Blizzard: stop criticizing us, no conflict in the dojo.

They would much rather pour gasoline onto the fire than admit they went too fair into stirring fans up. Controversy sells.


But that was thanks to the foundation of WC2&3, you already conceptually had an idea of the dynamic. Also there wasnt much active narrative at all in classic, you were free to role play whatever you wanted as motivation(killing horde/alliance or monsters).

Blizzard decided to make narrative more active and character driven(you were no longer a grunt but “the champion”) instead of world driven. By doing this if they go back to monster of the week, they would need to go back to world lore telling the story instead of more narrative driven.

Even then, you could easily do a cold war with an intermediary “war” going on. Kinda like multiple factions in the real world use the middle east as proxy battles. They already kinda did that with azerite, they just handled it horribly.

You dont always need a winner just losers. If they want to go back to classic style story telling that would be fine, but that would mean more hands off narratively, and more focus on lore(I dont think they are willing to do this).

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this sounds great, actually


less is your wording.

Less moderation could create a lawsuit. More moderation could dampen truth.

It is not so bad atm. As far as Forum Moderation. Getting a point across does become more tedious as sensibilities clench.

I think you watched that movie through the wrong lens, friendo.


England and France literally fought a conflict known accurately as The Hundred Years War. We’re good for at least a half century to go.

Yeah, assuming the same quality of moderation, less moderation wouldn’t be better than more.

Most people don’t avoid the forums because they fear they’ll be banned and Blizzard will silence them. They avoid it because they generally believe the forums to be nothing but a bunch of trolling, bellyaching, flame wars, and drama. Most people who visit forums aren’t posting. They’re lurking.

You can always improve the the quality of moderation after it exists, but you can’t do that if you don’t have it in the first place.


You’re aware there was a book the movie is skewering, right? That’s actually pretty cool even if it’s been, rightfully IMHO, decried as fascist. But it suggests an entirely utilitarian version thereof where any bigotry is vanished away. Also a huge fan of the movie.

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The military winning isn’t praising fascism, at least in the movie. It’s just
 making fun of fascist propaganda. You see all the horrible things these people go through and the ridiculous commercials and see all of the main character’s friends die except
 idk, two? and you draw the link that “jesus, i hope we never become like this IRL.”

Also: Yes.


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If you think that you’re Psychic
 Maybe You Are?

Fam read the book. Very different story. The starship troopers in question are stomping around in mech suits. It does make a compelling argument as to why naked aggression and horrific violence is good, actually.

But I pretty firmly disagree. Unless we’re battling the tyranids in which case go nuts. War does highlight how pants on head stupid discrimination is. When a nation needs all hands on deck all of a sudden the hands it considered lesser for one reason or another are shown to be be extremely capable. If not critically vital. Hey look at America today who’s more valuable a grocery clerk or a hedge fund manager?

WoW’s trying to preach the same message. They’re just bad at it. One of the more interesting bits of BC was the Wrath pre-launch scenario. Where you had the Royal Apothecary Society and the Church of the Holy Light teaming up to solve the problem. But like every other coexistence plot line that fell apart because one of the parties was a Saturday morning cartoon villain.