Blizzard NEEDS to incorporate LGBT characters into the lore

Why are you upset at the idea of acknowledging the existence of other people?


Can’t wait for Wranduin to become canon


Nah, gay people first came into being when Karl Marx wrote Das Gay back in the 1800s. Now, gay people NOT visibly existing, that’s just normal and apolitical. Nothing ideological about conspicuously lacking gay people, no sir.

Also, Ardmccloud, where were you to defend us from having Rhonin and Vereesa, Thrall and Aggra, Turalyon and Alleria, and Nathanos and Sylvanas from being ‘shoved into our faces’? You’ve been doing such a vigilant job preventing gay romance from being foisted upon us - the poor innocent audience of this very apolitical game - while we endlessly suffer under a deluge of insufferable, incompetent, and bland-as-a-plank straight couples. Your monomaniacal focus will be the end of us all.


It sounds like you’re against the idea of gay couples because they can’t reproduce together, and it seems like you think straight couples need to have children together. That’s really odd. Not everyone needs to have kids. Even then, there could be a good storyline that could come from a character being created via being a lore couple’s adopted child, similarly to Shandris. I can already imagine a gay warrior couple adopting someone from one of Azeroth’s many orphanages and training whoever they adopt, in order to make a lore character that we can interact with when they’re older that has an interesting fighting style.


Gay people existing and being referenced as existing in game is not an ideology or shoving anything in anyone’s face.


Hahaha I agree that Thrall/Aggra story was too heavy handed BUT the point isn’t necessarily to make gay characters the center of the story. It’s just to show that they exist on Azeroth, which has yet to be done.

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Because you presume to think I should care.

Well you obviously do care, quite a lot. If you didn’t care, then it wouldn’t be something that bothers you.


Someone did bring this up earlier, so yes I concede that there is a reference in a gray vendor trash item that was made as a quick gag. Not to poke holes in your commentary, but I think we all know that if this is what is brought to the table as representation then Blizzard is uninformed to what representation actually means.


The amount of people on this thread that view LGBTQ+ people as something out of the norm and unnecessary is unsettling. It’s not “crammed down your throat”. You’re just uncomfortable with something you don’t understand and don’t want to put effort into understanding.


Please tell us what you think representation is. If this isn’t sufficient, then what is? Why?

I don’t think anyone here really cares if a character is Straight, Gay, Bi, Trans, or Asexual as long as it adds something interesting to the story.


Nah not really.

It just has as much as appeal as my ideals of butchering everything in sight to drench the world of Warcraft in blood.

I mean it would be great for me but not for everyone else.

Good question! I think I don’t actually know when it’s sufficient. And I feel it might be unfair to ask me to quantify something so subjective.

However, I do know that right now that the average player today won’t ever see that book, and if they do they probably won’t read it. So that leaves us with No Representation, which is diametrically not Representation.

What about Marcus and his exploits in highmountain? Is that not representation either?

No, you misunderstand. That IS representation. But it is not representation of the LGBTQI+ community, which is what this discussion is about.

Um, what do you think Marcus was doing with “Bax and Tanda Freeseeker”? Taking a nap?

Yes but… you have to sell this game in China. >.>

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Gay romances isn’t going to fix the bombshell of a story just because its different.


This is very divergent from the point of this discussion, I’ve already clarified my thoughts on this:


I’m telling you it’s not enough but you don’t have to believe me. But arguing that the Steamy Romance Novel counts as accurate representation of the LGBT community won’t hold up, so I’m going to stop replying unless there’s something constructive here.