Blizzard NEEDS to incorporate LGBT characters into the lore

Blizzard has written a ton of stories about heterosexual couples. One was just posted a week ago about Lor’themar and Thalyssra. If they can write so many straight couples, they can include an LGBTQ+ couple as well. It’s not a matter of writing it well, it’s that we essentially have no representation at all. Any LGBTQ+ couples are so vaguely hidden away and minor that it never matters.

If you’re arguing that knowing sexual preference doesn’t matter, then you should be fine with an LGBTQ+ couple in-game as well. Because we have plenty examples of straight couples that aren’t complained about.


I don’t think it’s a problem for the community to influence the way the game is made. It happens in every game franchise in the industry, so why should Blizzard be an exception?

Exactly! It wouldn’t actually change the gameplay for anyone at all. But it would mean a lot to me and I know it would mean a lot to a ton of other players as well if they can get it right. It’s not hard for them to implement.


That wholly depends on what you mean by community. If 1% (as an example) of the entire WoW community makes a request that the other 99% either disagree with or are indifferent to should Blizzard implement it?


Probably because their sexual preferences are only incidental to the story. The relationship between the Elves you mentioned is significant, not because of the leaning, but more because of their races. It seemed that Elven females almost always invariably went for human males. But I digress.



I’m still waiting for a left-handed character to represent me. Get in line.


It’s all circumstantial! If the 1% wanted something outrageous then no, Blizzard shouldn’t implement it.

What I’m asking for here isn’t outrageous, nor is it only supported by 1% of the population. There isn’t an accurate way to gauge exact percentages, but i seriously doubt that 99% of all WoW players would reject this idea.


Jaina and Arthas, Tyrande and Malfurion, Thrall and Aggra, and the list goes on. Why were any of these necessary for the story? Were any of them making a statement by being together? Would it matter if Jaina was gay? If Thrall married a male orc in Cataclysm instead of Aggra?

I have nothing against heterosexual couples in-game, and I thought the story between Lor’themar and Thalyssra was nice. But being gay isn’t a statement, it’s just who people are. Having that population represented in-game is not a statement and “forcing it down our throats,” but it’s simply an LGBTQ+ couple in game. Again, there are plenty of straight couples represented in lore. Why would there be harm in having LGBTQ+ representation as well?



Totally agree.

I agree here as well.


For sure, but only Blizzard can draw that line.


Is it wrong to think that a same sex relationship could be incidental to the story? Regardless, there are TONS of relationships in WoW lore that don’t influence the story at all.

Flynn & Talia
Grizzek & Sapphronetta
Gonk & Paku Trolls (I forget their names, sorry!)

just a few off the top of my head that were added recently but weren’t incidental to the story of the game.


In principle I agree. But having seen Blizzard’s attempts at het romances, and the general quality of their writing these days, I’d be worried that whatever they come up with would be nothing short of awful.

Yup, no surprises there given the rest of your stuff on this thread.


Not a thing in WoW.

Their relationship has a huge impact on the story.

I didn’t play through Cata when it was live but if I’m remembering the quests correctly Thrall and Aggra’s relationship was a key point to some of Thrall’s decision making.

Except that it seems you’re upset, or perhaps more likely disappointed, that certain types of characters have a place in the story and others do not. Personally, I don’t see Jaina and think straight, gay or otherwise. I see an extremely (practically unnecessarily) powerful human wizard.

It really depends on how Blizzard implements it. If it’s clunky or just outright bad (not a stretch with Blizzard writing) do you think the community that they are trying to represent will be happy about it?



Are people not allowed to enjoy more than 1 fictional universe?


Didn’t say you weren’t allowed.

But I haven’t met a WH40k fan that i would ever allow in a house with children or pets.

Yeah, I would like if they included more representation via some characters.

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…OK. I find this kind of ironic. But hey, you do you.



There actually is at least one bisexual male character in Warcraft’s lore. Have you ever read the Steamy Romance Novels? Check out Savage Passion. Marcus hooks up with a young stable hand named Raven who is a male.

Also if you’re trying to ask the developers for more LGBT representation this is a terrible place to do it. We’ve not seen a dev response here in millennia. You need to go to twitter to actually get them to notice you.

Hey! I’m a 40K fan and I’m a perfectly nice person. Mostly.



Because Blizzard’s about as adept at writing romance as I am at speaking Sanskrit.


This is great feedback! I’ll go there next and see what their response is. Is there a specific account they want this kind of feedback going to or just the main WOW twitter?

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I wouldn’t know. I don’t have a twitter myself. I’ve just seen that they tend to post on twitter when people say things to them. Sorry I can’t be more helpful than that!


To quote overwatch “Never accept the world as it appears to be, dare to see it for what it could be.” Maybe a a non-straight romance will be a train wreck, maybe it will be awesome, you wont know until we experience it. And even if it was just par for the course, at least we have something to critize as oppose to not having anything at all.