Blizzard needs to impose a wealth tax on the 1%

For years we have been fed the lie that gold will trickle down. The rich will buy our potions and our enchants and stimulate the economy. But they don’t. They sit on their heaps of gold, buying up rare pets and transmogs, only to sell them later for even more profit. They sit in Oribos rubbing their AH mount in our faces. And when we go to try to sell something? They take off running and laugh at us “poor plebs”.

Warstomp the 1%!!!


Bait for the bait god


Or, here’s an idea, they could bring back auction house mounts so more people could get them? Rather than just making it a one time expansion thing?


You could always visit those poor stationary lonely auctioneers in every other city.

And contribute to climate change on Azeroth with my unnecessary travel?



I mean, I totally would, but I’m lazy. I’m also annoyed because there aren’t any auctioneers anywhere in the Shadowlands, so if I’m at the Elysian Hold with level 1 teleporters, and there’s a rich hordie on their AH mount, I’m gonna use that instead of flying to Oribos, and taking the Stormwind portal, then flying to the trade district and using the auction house like a pleb.

This is not real life. Many common economy manipulations would, if done in real life, either bankrupt you or get you a federal investigation.

If they taxed the top 1%, I wonder how much money I would personally get

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At least 2 monies

That awkward moment when OP realized that anyone can level all the professions if they wish.

Look at Richie Rich over here who has the time to learn countless skills while his butler takes care of all his needs!

Some of us have to grind herbs for hours on end just to make ends meet. We dont have the luxury to have no cares in the world and spend time learning new professions. And we dont have rich daddies that just buy us all the mats off the AH.

I am shocked this video is not used more.

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I too am mad I did not play a full army of alts to easy gold in Legion.


i got 3m gold at the end of legion doing the mission table, im down to 30k

Aww, you lacked the foresight to grind out enough alts to make the 5 million gold for a longboi too.

We are so opressed!!!

does this involve me getting free money?

i never cared for the big dino my looks were towards transmogs

None. Taxes don’t go to the masses, they go to a select few.

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