Actually, Tinkers are a range class. Tinkers use Artillery, bombs, traps , flame thrower, and etc…
I’d rather have a gunslinger class than Tinker.
This is why I don’t want them. Too cliche.
so you want a archery class…that doesnt utilize a bow…so this is basically just another i want a tinker class thread.
yeah im out.
trying to talk with tinkers is like trying to argue with a brick wall.
For as a new archery class, is to better than MM hunter. 20 times better.
Its ok. Some of you can build turrets that sling guns, and some of you can build turrets that arch.
Everyone wins
An archer that has nothing to do with the concept of a Hunter would be cool to have though.
Just do Gunner like Lost Ark lol. Let them pull out rocket launchers and stuff.
I would say the new archery class will have a lot more traps than the common hunter since they don’t have pets. Alot more cc. More stealth options to chose from.
Petless is going to be the default for MM and you’d have to take a specific talent to get the pet back, so you’re getting what you want.
Agreed with the OP. My ideal scenario was if they gave bows and guns to DH as a 3rd spec to be a melee ranged spec with fel magic elements. No pet. Would have been such a cool spec.
Pet classes suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!
The only good pet class is Unholy because you don’t need to think about them whatsoever and their rotation lends its self to the pet.
Warlock is has too much micro. Hunter has full on control. Disc Priest is like Dollar Tree general where you spam one button to reduce the CD of your pet, it’s basically Vanilla WoW game play and why it’s getting gutted pretty much, even Blizzard thinks its lame.
You literally just don’t click the talent and you won’t have a pet.
I hope you’re right, because the other half of the hunter community will be upset if MM Hunter isn’t what they had in mind.
Which is pretty much what the MM Hunters have now.
Blizzard made a blue post saying that the next PTR would have a choice node that brought back call pet, mend pet, etc. But they clearly stated that it was a talent that you had to opt into and that the default would be the petless/eagle build.
Yes they are allowing for “muh petless ranger” without actually removing the pets from MM. I don’t see how this is problematic for anyone. Unless taking away pets from everyone else was what they wanted.
If DH got a 3rd ranged spec, my vote is for dual wield hand-crossbows.
The argument is from having no pets , to having pets, than comes back in a full cycle without adding or take away a Hunter’s pet. Doesn’t make a lot of since.
What i was hoping for a big change for MM Hunter, but now getting little changes to a MM Hunter. Like adding what ever seasons you want with your meal. Although the chef didn’t really change the menu he / she promise to do so.
They are still overhauling the spec as planned. It is getting a significant rework. They are just allowing a pet option along with the new mechanics. That is still a decent change.
We’ll see when the MM Hunter gets done.