Even Gen Z is probably less than 20% LGBTQ+ if you can find actual, unbiased statistics. And unfortunately so many kids are purposefully made to be confused and when they express their confusion about things that they do not feel right about they are groomed to think that their confusion actually means that the are LGBTQ+. Also, it is “cool” to be LGBTQ+ now, so many kids will say they are just to fit in and many will later regret it (evidenced by the incredibly high rate of suicide among young trans people who later regret it).
Ahh like father like son moment.
How many more of your other characters are you going to add to 1 of your alts post?
because he likes to troll people
That’s a sad existence, then.
I’m LGBTQ+ and even I think OP needs to give it a rest.
Azeroth is doing a-ok for LGBTQ+ representation. It doesn’t need more than it has already.
why you care ?, honest question, why do you feel the need to have characters being portrayed as gay in a video game ?
Does it validate you ?
As far as I’m concerned, this person has not asked for equal rights of any other minimalized groups representation in game or their inclusion, only his personal agenda and in my book it makes him a classic bigot…
I am Native American one of the least represented minority groups in this country, look how we are represented in game… we are represented as cows, in headdresses and beads, living in teepee’s with totem poles, Plains tradition mixed with Pacific Northwestern tribes when our two cultures, way of living, and ceremonies are separate and distinctly different from one another… our cultural identity has been bastardized. if I took this to the American Indian Movement and showed them our representation in game?.. would you all be willing to see the whole Tauren race disappear from the annals of WOW?.. see I can do the personal agenda thing also… Does it make me right? NO not in a fantasy game and if it’s only for my own personal amusement.
They should be ashamed when the very group they claim to represent, has asked them to stop as well…
Five people claiming to be of the LGBTQ+ community is not representative of “the very group they claim to represent.”
And you know that as fact? any more than I know it as fact?.. frankly you don’t!
Whether or not they are is not really the point. I’m just telling you that pointing these things out is meaningless because I could probably find an equal number of people in agreement with OP.
I’ve seen your posts, you’re the classic “the last word warrior” or your day is incomplete. … It’s yours. because I’m whole heartedly uninterested in your opinions.
No it’s just because I’m always right.
you are in the wrong faction just go to the alliance that there everyone is LGBTQ+
Ahhh so your assumption that the LGBTQ posters are not LGBTQ at all is correct? hmm but funny? I thought it was wrong to assume someone’s gender and sexual identity. but then you’re always, right? soo there’s that, I guess.
Hear that forum…RUDLY is always right… so no use having your own opinions or discussions. because Rudly knows what’s up!!! and we should all bow to his superior knowledge. sounds like a classic narcissist to me? blocked!
You’re right, I am.
And another 1 of T’s alts posting. Sounds like you’re another that suffers from NPD.
That still would translate to nearly 1 in every 5 NPC being LGBT ingame.
I often wonder what world some people live in. There is record high bigoted attacks on races, sexual identity, immigration etc yet you think in this particular game known to be a haven for hateful types of people you will get anywhere flaunting your own ideas on these matters? Good luck with that. I am just keeping it real and I hope you stay safe.