Blizzard NEEDS to add LGBT characters into the lore


You need to stop posting stupid threads.


You should just write fanfiction and mail it to Blizzard.

Cause you aint gana get what you want any other way.

wiggles toes


That’s my job…
Oh well. Lol. Muting this thread because of the t squad.


I believe that the % of LGBTQ+ characters in the game are about equal to the % of the overall population in real life. So adding one or two each expac, is realistic and no, they do not need to change the existing characters just to suit someone’s fetishes.


lol, these snowflakes got mad over a peter griffin quote that i always use and has been overturned many times.
how many of your alts it took to get it hidden?


he used all of his alts to get it hidden lol did it to me earlier


Okay, ONLY if it relates to the story at hand, otherwise shoehorning NPCs for “just because” is just pandering. This game does that enough already.


You do realize they are already doing so. Oh wait, its you. Why exactly are you allowed to spam the forums?

You know that people can just exist right? A story can have gay characters without having to explain it.


If nothing else at least he’s consistent and punctual.

I agree with the OP!

Not really, something like one quarter of the least closeted generation (Gen Z) is LGBT (mostly due to an increase in bisexual identification)


You’re in luck! 5 of the main characters in WoW lore are actually LGBTQIA+, don’t know which but they are. They’re just not in a relationship right now, but feel free to pick and choose which ones you think they are!

I’d didn’t say they couldn’t. The ardenwield(spelling) chain was a good way of doing it. Have you written anything? Having a LGBT+ character is story hook. If it’s important enough to mention, then then there needs to be a story (in relation to wow, a quest of some sorts) behind it. Failure to do so, is what some of us call “plot holes”, and a sign of poor story telling. The lore in this game is quite a convoluted mess.

So, what the OP is wanting is some random NPC , you can click on and get a voice emote “Hi, My name is so and so, and I’m gay/trans/non-binary”?

Slight Dragonflight SPOILER but when I say you don’t have to explain it we can use one of the new NPC in dragonflight. He is part of the crafting profession and basically he offhandedly mentions he has a husband/you need to help them. Nothing fancy, just a normal NPC that is gay that just needs your help.

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i dont think they need to.

That right there is a story hook… he wants you to help his husband with something…

Not really, basically the quest could exist even without him mentioning he was married. It was just additional context.

It’s called character development to move the story. It’s a writer’s tool to get you to care about the character to push you to read the story or do the quest. You really need to take some creative writing classes…