Blizzard needs a tab to report toxic players

Recently there are players who sign up for mythic 5 man when we start they LOL and leave. I was wondering if blizzard going to have a option to report players of being toxic soon.

There is an option to report other players.

“Toxic” isn’t a reportable infraction. Neither is leaving an instance before the rest of the group.

Apparently, you want to pay double the current subscription because the surge of pointless social policing tickets would hugely swell the cost of customer support.

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“Toxic” in WoW usually refers to some sort of focused continuous bullying/griefing/trolling, usually involving various colorful things like racism and death threats and telling people to kill themselves. That kind of stuff is usually noticed by blizz yes.

What you describe is not that.

Could you please tell me what “toxic” is to you? I only ask because I can never get 2 people to agree what it means outside of its actual meaning.

Leaving a key/dungeon is not toxic.

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It’s not a word I use, because it’s objectively meaningless. It means “whatever makes me mad” for a near-infinite variety of “me” or “mad”. Because it’s a threshold that varies from person to person and changes from event to event, it has no meaning at all.

People who use it as if it meant something suffer from the pitiful delusion that their feelings are more important than anything, and no one has any right to do anything that upsets them.

Agreed. Beyond “toxic” having no actionable meaning, leaving a party wouldn’t be toxic even if “toxic” meant something.

Seems I misunderstood the point of your post then. I agree that the word “toxic” is totally meaningless and thoroughly overused.

My apologies. I make my writing unnecessarily complex. Occupational habit. (I work for the government.) :man_facepalming:

Hey at least you are probably good at your job then :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::grinning:

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I think toxic describes someone who’s going out of their way to degrade the experience of something that, at its core, should be fun. Imagine working hard all week to push a key as high as you can. Perhaps it’s your first 15 key and you really want to get it. You set up a group and one or multiple people are trolling or yelling at you rather than playing the game and eventually leave. Griefing a key like that is toxicity. It’s not their key so they feel no consequence. Honestly, this has happened multiple times to me and there should seriously be a protection set up for premade groups if people leave the instance early.

Perhaps you could choose to keep the keystone progress and have the key remain at its level or drop it by 1.

Just put “weekly no leaver” in the comments box.

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You are you own protection. You have 100% control over who you invite to the group. This isn’t an automated group, where Blizzard is saddling you with a bunch of randos. You invite people.

If you invite the first 4 people with an ilvl and io score that you consider high enough, then you didn’t expend very much effort in trying to protect yourself from negative outcomes.

If you want random people to play the way you want, you’re going to have to invest a lot of time and effort vetting these people, talking with them, and trying to make sure that everyone is on the same page before you put the key in.

There shouldn’t be a system enforced by Blizzard to handle your responsibility to create your own group.