Blizzard needs a reality check - Frog farming nerf

Explain how farming in a raid prevent other players getting the same amount of bronze then? You got daily quest on timeless isle to kill elites, I went to kill some frogs because they spawn fast and stayed after I finished the quest because it was giving good amount of bronze. Only stayed for 30 mins or so and maybe got around 250ish charms then never farmed it again before the nerf.
After the nerf I did dailies/world bosses/LFR/flying around to catch orbs. Did alot normal raid/dungeon/scen to unlock ring/neck and it was legit grind. I got over 4k main stats earlier today and now its back to 2500, pretty much entire weeks of grind just wasted.

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Blizzard will always find a way to mess up. We expect it.

I think the most disappointing thing is infinite spite that exist in this community.
Instead of rallying together to try and solve an issue like the hell divers community.

We are over here laughing at each other, trusting blizzards “amazing perfect math” ya know the ones who never mess up or lie.

It’s just crazy how divided the player base is. Maybe instead of being annoyed at players be annoyed with blizzards ZERO QA,
Customer support who doesn’t even have the ability to do customer support.

These actions were implemented by the WoW Development Team, and as such Game Masters are unable to circumvent or revert any of the changes. Our Game Developers reviewed the data carefully before applying any adjustments. They continue to monitor the results and feedback If you have suggestions or feel changes was were made erroneously, we ask that you leave feedback via the WoW Forums:

Like when will people actually come together.

Do they have to add a wow token after saying they won’t?
Oh wait.

Completely destroy remastered game.
Oh wait… .

Literally gut the main selling point for Overwatch and inject it with payed cosmetics.
Oh wait.

The list is endless yet we are still attacking each other, Crazy.


Hyperspawning mobs were a way to help with levelling if too many people are in the one area killing the same mobs. People back then knew of this mechanic as a way to farm the coins for bonus rolls, but difference between now and back then is the Bronze needed for gear upgrades, as well as the cloak upgrades. It is giving people more of an edge over others.

I agree. It’s really awkward spending the same currency on end game gearing and cosmetics. Kind of wish there were two separate currencies. Doesn’t feel intuitive to me. Of course it might just be a me issue too.


I wish Blizzard would also fix the scaling issues from the Remix mostly.

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Doesn’t also mean we abused farm mechanics. 10 minutes here, 15 minutes there, that’s far from abusing mechanics. We go hard as in we spam dungeons, do all LFR, try to do early normal raids, do all the queues and all the quests every day. Doing everything offered to you and abusing frogs to the point you can solo farm Siege on mythic, not even remotely the same thing.

Before the nerf I had 1.8M health… in tank spec. After all the farming and queues I done I had an iLVL of 376 with FOUR entire mounts purchased and zero mogs.

I currently have no bronze.

You would think someone abusing the game would be in a far better situation than I am right now. We have people who are reportedly only doing queues and raids and are in a better situation then I am.

Sort of, it’s still RNG on what gems you get. See I want all crit, but I don’t have all crit, and despite your claims I knew what I was doing, and spending a substantial amount of bronze on gems, I am still missing some crit gems.

And after my gear is upgraded and I have enough crit from the cloak and gear I was going to look at swapping them all out for Vers, which I still don’t have enough off to fill all my slots.

See I think what they done was look not just at frogs like they said they would, because if that was the case I would 100% not have been nerfed, but instead looked at the overall picture of players and nerfed those who got too far ahead with certain criteria, and I think that was to do with how we spent bronze.

I spent bronze on four mounts, every other piece of bronze I have spent was either on gear or gems, I obtained most of my meta and tinker gems from bronze, I obtained all my +stmina gems early mostly from spending bronze, I didn’t by mogs, I didn’t upgrade my gear until like the 5th day, but I did spend a lot of bronze on player power.

However, that bronze was not gained from abusing hyperspawns, even though I did spend a little bit of time at the frogs, like 15 minutes, maybe an hour at the goats, I done 2 rotations of Kalxxi island and 1 rotation of the island north west in Townlong, some cranes and some Ordos farm, I also spent time running dungeons and raids.

If I truly did abuse any sort of farm, I would be in a far better situation than I was before the nerf, I only lost 200K health in tank spec, that’s how little of a nerf I got, but a nerf nonetheless.

Blizzard own post talked about:

I was certainly not involved in that and did not gain from that, so the nerf was totally unexpected, and after looking at others who were nerfed and what content they were doing, to me it seems like they just wanted an excuse to blanket nerf everyone who was too strong who spent too much time playing because they want us to spend 3 months playing, and to spend enough time gearing and gaining power.

I think Blizzard were just not happy that players were on track to finishing within a month, and what they are blind to is that nerfing players who did not abuse the game has a negative effect in that those players will just stop playing even earlier, we simply won’t log back onto Remix at all, so now their engagement will be worse than it would have been if they just left it.

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I have been trying to do just this!

BlockquoteLike when will people actually come together.


Community is beyond repair after this entire debacle. If they ever do a fix for this, since I am one of the people that was awarded the 40k and STILL had my cloak nerfed, I can’t wait to figure out how to put a screenshot of it restored back to its glory on here. This is just silly what they’ve done here.


I think this may be a part of it, I farmed maybe 100-150 charms from frogs, but handed in many more than that because you know other mobs in this game, not just on Timeless Isle also drop charms.

some of you complaining I don’t believe because of the type of player you are - if you killed a couple of dozen you would have noticed it dropped threads and you are the group that was always ‘forced’ to do dailies for the minimal rewards there. It is unbelievable to me that you would have stopped.


Oh yeh bro, 100 charms is 100% abusing the game mechanics totally deserving of a nerf, absolutely warranted to nerf me with the 8M health players who farmed 12 hours of frogs.

You changed your story twice in this thread - we are now expected to believe it was only 100 charms?

No my story has always been the same, a few dozen frogs, a hundred or so charms, it’s been the same because that’s the truth.

Fact is this, I had prior to the nerf 1.8M health in TANK spec, I now have 1.7M health in tank spec, some froggers are running around with millions of health in DPS spec, you tell me who has been abusing the frogs.

My stats speak for themselves, my stats alone tell the story of how much ‘abuse’ I have done with hyperspawn farming, if I truly did abuse the frogs and truly did benefit from it I would have way more stats and a higher lose then I did.

looks at your max level gear

Mhmm a “couple”

This makes no sense, how can you see my Timerunners gear from this character?

You also realise there are other ways of farming gear, and right now my Timerunner only sits at 376 iLVL.

I used it as a general statement, Me persoanlly i dont care about your gear, but don’t be delusional to think people with excessive amounts of power less than a week in to clear mythic raids with so few people was supposed to be obtainable.

That right there already says you are gonna downplay the amount of frogs you killed. You probably did that for a couple hours.

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Say what you want, I know what I did and didn’t do. Other people here are right, why are we constantly being negative towards each other when we should be working together for the same common goal?

There is no way they 100% got this right, they never do, there is no way all of people coming here stating they were nerfed incorrectly are liars

Do me a favour, go look at my achievements and now go look at when the frog farm was nerfed, I hit level 70 ON THE SAME DAY, it’s quite literally impossible for me to have farmed enough frogs to benefit even if I did go do the farm.

It’s a waste of time. Someone who cheated the system then got a nerf isn’t gonna garner sympathy. lol.

It is a waste of time because you automatically assume every single person hit with a blanket nerf are all frog farmers, mathematically that’s impossible and even someone as stubborn as you should realise this.

lol. You aren’t a victim. You even said you “killed a couple frogs”