Blizzard needs a reality check - Frog farming nerf

I have been trying to do just this!

BlockquoteLike when will people actually come together.


Community is beyond repair after this entire debacle. If they ever do a fix for this, since I am one of the people that was awarded the 40k and STILL had my cloak nerfed, I can’t wait to figure out how to put a screenshot of it restored back to its glory on here. This is just silly what they’ve done here.


I think this may be a part of it, I farmed maybe 100-150 charms from frogs, but handed in many more than that because you know other mobs in this game, not just on Timeless Isle also drop charms.

some of you complaining I don’t believe because of the type of player you are - if you killed a couple of dozen you would have noticed it dropped threads and you are the group that was always ‘forced’ to do dailies for the minimal rewards there. It is unbelievable to me that you would have stopped.


Oh yeh bro, 100 charms is 100% abusing the game mechanics totally deserving of a nerf, absolutely warranted to nerf me with the 8M health players who farmed 12 hours of frogs.

You changed your story twice in this thread - we are now expected to believe it was only 100 charms?

No my story has always been the same, a few dozen frogs, a hundred or so charms, it’s been the same because that’s the truth.

Fact is this, I had prior to the nerf 1.8M health in TANK spec, I now have 1.7M health in tank spec, some froggers are running around with millions of health in DPS spec, you tell me who has been abusing the frogs.

My stats speak for themselves, my stats alone tell the story of how much ‘abuse’ I have done with hyperspawn farming, if I truly did abuse the frogs and truly did benefit from it I would have way more stats and a higher lose then I did.

looks at your max level gear

Mhmm a “couple”

This makes no sense, how can you see my Timerunners gear from this character?

You also realise there are other ways of farming gear, and right now my Timerunner only sits at 376 iLVL.

I used it as a general statement, Me persoanlly i dont care about your gear, but don’t be delusional to think people with excessive amounts of power less than a week in to clear mythic raids with so few people was supposed to be obtainable.

That right there already says you are gonna downplay the amount of frogs you killed. You probably did that for a couple hours.

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Say what you want, I know what I did and didn’t do. Other people here are right, why are we constantly being negative towards each other when we should be working together for the same common goal?

There is no way they 100% got this right, they never do, there is no way all of people coming here stating they were nerfed incorrectly are liars

Do me a favour, go look at my achievements and now go look at when the frog farm was nerfed, I hit level 70 ON THE SAME DAY, it’s quite literally impossible for me to have farmed enough frogs to benefit even if I did go do the farm.

It’s a waste of time. Someone who cheated the system then got a nerf isn’t gonna garner sympathy. lol.

It is a waste of time because you automatically assume every single person hit with a blanket nerf are all frog farmers, mathematically that’s impossible and even someone as stubborn as you should realise this.

lol. You aren’t a victim. You even said you “killed a couple frogs”

I mean, I killed about 5 - 10 frogs total before they rolled back the frog farmer cloaks. Even killed the Bufoo rare you’re talking about a couple times. He even dropped the pet!

I didn’t get rolled back. :person_shrugging:

And that translates for you into “Killed thousands of frogs for hours on end”? Because that’s what it sounds like you are trying to tell me. It sounds like you are trying to twist my words from “I farmed a little” into “I abused frog farming and should not be nerfed”.

And some guy here, in this post, admitted to farming frogs way more than many of us, even tamed Bufo, but didn’t get rolled back. There are the players who did ZERO frog farming, not even a single frog and were nerfed. There is the guy who posted a screenshot on Twitter of their character from day 1, a character they never played since, that was nerfed.

There are people who did do the frog farm and did not get hit with the nerf.

It’s the same story with what happened last time they did this in SL when the Mage Tower was re-released, I know people who at least admitted to not cheating, but got banned.

But I also know people who straight up admitted to cheating, and not just ‘cleaver us of game mechanics’, but getting other people to play their account, they admitted to it, they told me how it all worked, and yet, not banned.

Seems like it was not the frog farming that they targeted and that was just a ploy to nerf people and make it look like frog farmers were being hit, it sure worked, many people here just cannot believe we didn’t abuse frog farming and deserve it when that’s just not true, because I done far more of other farms then I did of frogs, I didn’t even hit max level until the day the frog farm was nerfed.

I think nerfing frogs or anything now farm wise is blind and improperly thought out. They knew in Beta and let it still launch with the known issue. They gave average players 40k coins essentially nothing when you need 600k just for gear not event items. They should of left it in, leave event a success. As of now normal players are still far behind and fighting over rares. Trying to get into herpic raids normal raids but far behind farmers because blizz nerfs and punishments. When you have people with 20m hp and average person cant catch up. Wasnt well though out, at least at this point allow people to do the farms to catch up. The 40k was a spit in the face to Average player. The point of this was to have fun in a filler event , be over powered, now its a tedious grind, you gain to fast they punish you, Devs are turning into experts of killing fun and pushing players away from events.