Blizzard needs a final decision on flight

here’s the final decision. I’ve been so busy I’ve barely had a chance to play for than 5 days worth of a few hours a day doing the WQs and dailies in mechagon and nazjatar, and I’, honoured with both. In another week or so I’ll be revered. 10 days of playing as casually as possible and you get flying. Stop hanging out in Boralus or Dazaralor showing off your grounded flying mount no one cares about. Stop hanging out in Goldshire and in front of Orgrimmar dueling like broke hobos and get out there and get some rep along with typical collecting fodder of mounts, pets and transmog appearances. STOP WHINING AND PLAY THE GAME. You did pay for the sub after all…


Why only these two alternatives ?

They could you know just allow people to fly at max level or within a month by doing pathfinder or gold purchase. Given that it appears the pathfinder process is ruining content, I think a set one month then flying happens it better than people getting it at differing speeds.

I personally HATE what they have done with flying in Mechagon and I suspect that is what would happen with option 2 and it really wouldn’t be all that different in effect from option 1.

They’ve done it already, Pathfinder is their way to “solve” 2 problems:

1)Delaying flight as much as possible (dumb, but whatever);

2)Extending played time with an achievement/rep grind, because they know people WILL want flying.

Like it or not, it boils down to that, artificial extension of played time.

I didn’t mind it in WoD, because I had just started playing, so everything was new and fun.

I didn’t mind it in Legion because the content (for me) was hella fun.

But BfA… I’m just doing it because I want the ability to fly, not because I truly enjoy the content that the expansion has to offer (outside of M+/casual raiding).

I really dislike Mechagon for example and one of the good tank essences is tied to both their rep and the freaking mat that you can basically get once a day or have to rely on rng drops from the chests.


Clearly this game has aged and so have you, over time everything changes. Maybe it’s time you take a step back from world of Warcraft or games in general? Seems to be like your burnt out.

That was a terrible decision, to remove flying. I remember they were even selling a flying mount at that time as well as giving one away if you pre-ordered WoD or maybe it was the collectors edition.

Either way, that wasn’t a good idea. Really pissed a lot of people off.
I’m still mad about it.


It’s not lazy, it’s their way of getting the player base to conform to the removal of flying.

Notice how it’s taken them so long to implement PF2 this time? To me it seems as if they’re conditioning us for when they eventually remove it.


Yep this is their finally call. I don’t mind Pathfinder, I just hate waiting almost a year to do part 2.


Drop pathfinder part 2. Enable flight immediately upon completing pathfinder part 1. There problem solved.


This is true.


Not everyone unsubbed because of it, but enough did too where it must have affected their bottom line to the point that they went from no flying in new future content to Pathfinder,


So, yeah, Blizzard made a final decision, but you aren’t happy with it. You think they should make a different decision.

Accept or don’t, but Pathfinder is that decision.

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At this point it’s pretty obvious that they’ll keep doing it, so you’re only left with option of whether or not it’s a deal breaker for the continuance of your support. I only came back recently, played a bit, now I have less than 2 days left but it’s not just about flying.

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But they’ve made their decision. It’s called Pathfinder. We’re in the 3rd expansion now with it. And I have no doubt that next expac will have some version of Pathfinder as well.

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There is nothing indecisive about Pathfinder. They’ve DECIDED to time gate flying and this is how they are doing it.

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I do not like their new flight system. There was NOTHING wrong with the way it was before. But I wouldn’t mind Pathfinder so much except for two things:

  1. The reputation requirement, that needs to go.
  2. Time gated part two, that needs to go. Part one, that’s it, then fly.

Maybe if they designed the game WITH flying in mind? Just a thought. Quests and stuff that require flying to do. Instead of looking at flying as some enemy they should be embracing it. Look at other games, they’re ADDING flying because of how popular it is with players and here is blizz wanting to get rid of it. Smart. Not.


I think Blizzard already made their final decision about flight. They want to break up their subs into the initial launch wave and the x.2 wave to even out their revenue stream throughout each x-pac.

investors don’t care about the nuts and bolts how something is run, just how much money it is making (or not making)

If Blizz removes flying i hope they are prepared to lose another 50% of subs . As it is im not doing this garbage again of waiting 1 year and having to do chores each day.


Blizzard made a decision. Pathfinder is not something that is carved into a stone tablet to be upheld until the game shuts down.

Blizzard reached their final decision regarding flying a long time ago. It’s just that people can’t seem to accept that Blizzard made that decision and they are demanding that Blizzard change their decision.

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