Blizzard, Mythic+ NEEDS to be revamped

Loooong post incoming:

I’m DONE trying to ration out solutions to fix this awful game mode.

I’m sure other players, forum readers, content creators, discord servers, guilds, communities and all other WoW-related social platforms are fed up too. Yes, I know I said the ‘S’ word, but the social aspect used to be at the forefront of the game, not competitiveness.

We pay you a monthly sub, we do PTR testing, we do Beta/Early Access testing THAT WE PAY FOR, we make countless reviews and videos talking about all the flaws of the game, big or small. (Quazii, Marcelian, and Comeback Kids come to mind.) It’s not our job but we love the core of the game so much we do it. There is absolutely NO excuse why it should be even remotely this bad.

Dungeons are supposed to be small-scale content to bust out on a weeknight with your friends just having a good time. Maybe an hour each night, or maybe 3 hours once a week. I’m sure most M+ participants want to share a celebratory high-five with their buddies (virtual or IRL) in honor of a fun 3k season and reminisce about some crazy pulls that happened a few of those nights. All while maintaining excitement for the next season; but it’s just not possible for the average to above average player now. Those potential moments are now a pipe dream for most.

It’s supposed to be less of a commitment than raiding. Meeting new people, laughing, living your class fantasy, bringing unique utility and showcasing your knowledge of your rotation/class; slowly progressing your character to become stronger, BUT; having fun ALWAYS came first.

But now even as a tank/healer main, I spend 20-30 minutes to get invited to a key of my level. The gatekeeping is absurd. I even have a 630ish Prot Pally (the current meta tank at the time of this post) with a good IO score, and still not getting invited to anything above an +8. I’d rather boot up Marvel Rivals Competitive and be on in less than <5 min.

I understand you want content to scale and for some reason want to push the competitive scene. It’ll never work… but cool, you do you. Just save that for the people pushing 20+ keys, not 80% of your player base or people with normal lives. Look at the general speed-running community. The sweats will always find a way to sweat, no need to make the sweatshop for them at the cost of the players. The catering to the top 0.0001% of players is sickening and breeds resentment from the everyday person. A trivial slip up from 1 person in 35 minutes shouldn’t guarantee a bricked key, but here we are.

Just got done with a +8 MoTS key, usually heal, but tried out tanking after a break, went fine. Fellow Mistweaver did fine, but all the DPS stood in the last boss swirlies and got one shot. So, me and the healer killed the boss together after fighting it and its little buddies for 5+ min straight. I don’t care, it was goofy, but me and my fellow monk felt like gods. I was ready to laugh it off and be on my way, they then ALL proceeded to flame the healer for not healing, calling them names, slurs, and everything a now-typical WoW player would do. I defended the healer but it still left me with a bad taste in my mouth.

For reference, if the same situation happened in FFXIV, everyone would’ve made light of the situation, and we could’ve even exchanged BattleNet IDs and became friends! It’s a nice thought from a wholesome standpoint, but to translate in Blizzard language: 3 more people I lost as potential friends that would keep me paying and subscribed to the game. But no, immediate hostility.

To say I’m utterly disgusted with this toxic player-base and community would be an understatement, and YOU breeded it, Blizzard. I will never blame another player for your shortcomings. Swirlie-standing or not, mistakes happen, we are human. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a filthy Moon Guard RPer, I don’t mean all aspects of the game and subcommunities of it, I strictly mean anything remotely competitive like M+.

I want this game to succeed and do well, I grew up with it since 2005. It has impacted me in more way than I can describe in a single forum post, but it is NOT the same game I grew up with. Dragonflight as an artistic expansion, and mythic+ seasons 3+4 were absolutely amazing and the best I remember this game since the old days. But with not being heard time after time, I just can’t do it anymore. I haven’t had fun in weeks.

I know Blizz is hurting with Marvel Rivals and PoE2, but once Riot releases their MMO, maybe then we’ll get change. Probably not, because humility is the #1 thing lacking at this company. They’re always right, we’re always wrong.

Thank you all so much for reading. I love and cherish each one of you, I just hate that the environment we meet drives us apart from the get-go.

<3 Tandao

To address all the guaranteed negative replies coming my way.

  • No, I’m not a terrible player, but I’m no Yoda. I tank/heal and am roughly 630+ ilvl and 2600+ on my toons. I like watching high key runs in my free time. It’s like watching football, sure I could never do it, but I like watching. It doesn’t mean every gym near me should be catered to football players.

  • No I’m not going to look up top MDI strats of how to run a key, I have a life. Same with 400 addons/weakauras.

  • Yes, I know those two contradict each other, it shouldn’t have to come to that to complete a key at this point, much less on time. I’ve done approx 11 keys this week, only completed two, overtime. Most DPS ragequit, some DCs.

  • No I’m not going to chase the meta to push keys, the highest keys I’ll probably ever do is a 13. I like the classes I play. Unfortunately, even I as a meta-denier can feel the difference between specs.

  • Yes, I know I can opt out of M+, and I will now. But if WoW is a buffet, I want a little of this, a little of that. It’s what makes it immersive, fun and cozy. Just like my character in RP grows, so too I want it to grow in dungeons.

  • “Just unsub bro” Unfortunately I was riding the high of Dragonflight and was promised by Blizzcon that WoW was only going to get better, so I have like 9 months of sub time to go.


Well that’s certainly one way to not fix it.

You’re not wrong on any of the points I can see, but deleting the employees responsible for such decisions is a much better fix than scrapping the mode. It got this way because someone MADE IT that way, and then refuses to try anything different short-term or long-term, refuses to listen to feedback, refuses to communicate any shred of the thought process.


i like m+


Gonna read the rest of the post but I love the comeback kids, skyy, and lance are awesome! That is all for now will reply again when I finish reading.

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Do you not understand? Games aren’t about having fun anymore. It’s about stressing out about what’s hard and being really toxic about your meta build. The WoW you’re talking about died a long time ago.


I just don’t play it. Give that a go.


I mention being done in the post, but yeah. Saving my sanity.


if you aren’t getting invited to plus 8s on a 630 protection paladin you must be god awful.


Exactly. All aspects of the game arent for everyone.

It’s this whole illusion of “I have to do this”

You dont have to do anything.

Oh but i want the best gear the special mount yadayadayada

Then hop to or don’t do it.


Instead of assuming, run with me once and see. If so I’ll delete this whole post. Maybe I am and am simply misguided.

If not, please keep your reply about the topic. This is what I’m talking about, immediate hostility.


I’d rather keep the only challenging PvE content bliz makes that isn’t mythic raid prog.


I’m no fan of Mythic+ but I’d never ask for its removal either.

Edit: A little odd for the OP to like a post disagreeing with their stance, but okay.


Past me would agree with this statement, however personally I see M+ as the source of a nasty infection in a much bigger problem.

Also if it isn’t straight trolling, I like to hear everyone’s thoughts, regardless if they align with mine.


I’ll be brutally honest and this isn’t even no where near a hot take, but…

I wouldn’t be mad if I woke up and they deleted M+ from the game and replaced it with hard mode dungeons, but had like tiers of them how they were gonna do with Torghast.

It’s like this. Take what Torghast was trying to do in terms of a rogue-like but delete Torghast and keep the tier system and possibly some of the class specific powers (like imagine if healers got a role wide interrupt while in dungeons) and also keep the vendor in the dungeon that acted like a check point.

We need proper checkpoints in dungeons.

Then take what they’re trying to do with M+, just delete everything but the scaling and tiers system. You probably can get rid of the chest at the end also and just teleport the reward into people’s bag the moment the last boss dies.

So what you’re left with is different tiers of hard mode dungeons that can be tuned any way they want and have any affixes they want inside of them. Bring back old affixes but let people choose which ones are in the dungeon and you could have a weight system to where different affixes have different weights and if people choose the “lite” affixes, the dungeon automatically adds another random one.


The issue is the bulk of the good players are either playing in keys you aren’t doing, like 12+, or have quit for the season if they aren’t playing alts, or still grinding for those last couple pieces of gear for mythic raiding purposes. Personally I have pretty much hit that point on my shaman, where I am literally vault rolling at this point for trinkets.

What you’re going to run into, especially in the 2-8 bracket, are the bottom of the barrel players that simply do not understand the basic mechanics of the game. Do not want to understand that the reason why their dying is due to them standing in things that will oneshot you based on your gear and key level. With the latter being having hyper inflated egos because they thing they’re better than they really are.

So my honest suggestion is to join or make a team at this point in time, given all your gonna get from pugs right now is what you described, until next season.


This is actually a really neat idea!

Give people more tools to deal with higher tiers the more they climb. Sounds interesting enough to consider.

Thank you.


Very fair point, and agree whole-heartedly.

8 is the lowest I’ll do. I have timed 12s on both of my mains though and the players still make honest mistakes. Team or not, mistakes will happen, maybe less frequently but still.

I dont know, I just think getting max gear shouldn’t be locked to being anti-social in a way, like, no meeting new people cuz new people = bad usually.

Know what I mean?

I’ve seen a lot of people ask for something like this, it’s not really my idea. I feel like it’s what Blizzard should’ve done instead of Torghast. It’s like taking the best things from M+ and Torghast and baking them into a perfect little cake.

When I say powers though, I mean utility QoL stuff, only interrupts, class buffs, and whatever, nothing throughput whatsoever.

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So either don’t assume everyone you meet is bad or untie ilvl rewards from content difficulty?


True! Even cosmetics or tokens for tier mogs? I dont know.

The main thing is that a lot of people like the timer and don’t want it removed.

They should just have both versions, one with a timer and one where they let you choose old affixes, but you have to have affixes, but there’s no timer.