Hes right there. The people that watch these MDI runs and then try to implement a 30 mob pull in a PUG are dumb. Those are pros woth dedicated groups not 5 randoms.
No, in a +2 (in DF S1) people pulled everything to farm valor.
The reason why large pulls happen is because people think they can handle it.
It’s not because people saw it on MDI for the most part.

Is starting arguments really all that fun?
Are you saying it isn’t?

Hes right there. The people that watch these MDI runs and then try to implement a 30 mob pull in a PUG are dumb. Those are pros woth dedicated groups not 5 randoms.
using the routes of the top players is not crazy. you can use them as a baseline and adapt them to your own skill level same thing for mdi there are strats in there that can be adapted to use yourself but you know what it takes? time and effort.

If I said I don’t like Thai food. That an opinion, not a fact. It’s a wrong opinion but it’s still an opinion.
No thats a fact. If you dont like Thai food you dont like thai food. No two ways about it lol

I just… this behavior seems wrong.
Opinions can be wrong on objective subjects though (i.e. my example on einstein)
Correcting follies on matters that are objectives are not attacks.
Ill double down on things because i dislike bad faith arguments / misinformation / misconceptions
Yes but 1 random in 5 isnt adapting to the groups skill lvl. Your skill means nothing if the group isnt on board as well and know what youre doing. Again a PUG is very different from a coordinated and dedicated MDI professional group. It doesnt take watching MDI runs to learn a route. Just climbing the ladder is enough to know how much trash you need and learn an effective route.

Opinions can be wrong on objective subjects though
I thought opinions were opinions and didn’t really come with right or wrong answers? Unless I am missing something here. Someone explain to me?
Grizzle is a contrarian elitist troll. Its best to put him on ignore.

No thats a fact. If you dont like Thai food you dont like thai food.
This is dangerous grounds sir. You’re using connotations while enforcing denotations. More or less shatters the conversation we’re trying to have.
Unless you’re trying to make a joke. I can’t tell.

Someone explain to me?
I don’t know either. You eventually reach a point where anger turns to confusion.
The worst part is you can get a feel for their perspective/mood/energy/etc. We’ve all been there before. Anger can push us way too far.

I thought opinions were opinions and didn’t really come with right or wrong answers?
Opinions have no right or wrong answer when discussing subjective matters.
Thai food is gross. Opinion. Just as someone may say thai good is the best food in the world.
Einstein is an idiot. Opinion. But also a wrong one as Einstein, objectively, was not an idiot lol
Ah, thanks for clarifying.

Yes but 1 random in 5 isnt adapting to the groups skill lvl
according to who?

our skill means nothing if the group isnt on board as well and know what youre doing
higher keys tend to discuss route before pulling lmao

Again a PUG is very different from a coordinated and dedicated MDI professional group
never said it wasnt

It doesnt take watching MDI runs to learn a route
never said you had to its just a tool like any other. i can take apart a car with a crecent wrench if i had to but ignoring my socket set is a little silly.

Just climbing the ladder is enough to know how much trash you need and learn an effective route.
not really you will hit a wall pretty early on if you dont start optimizing the route. there is reason why most of the top players run basically the same routes lol.
Sounds like all of the thread creator’s problems with m+ would be solved if they just found a consistent group of like-minded friends at roughly the same skill level who share similar goals. Would be cool if the game had something like that. Maybe call it a guild or something. But no, keep rolling the dice in the pug scene instead and complain that the randoms ruin your experience.

Would be cool if the game had something like that. Maybe call it a guild or something.
Guild is so oldschool.
Lets call it a community
You dont have to go beyond a 10 to get the best gear you can though. And i have never had a group discuss a route before a dungeon this season. MDI is a terrible baseline to hold average players in a PUG to.
Sure you may hit a wall thats when you keep doing it until you learn it. I did probably 60 dungeons before my 1st +10 this season, just to climb rating and get invited to higher groups. I learned all the different routes and packs to pull via this.
Its easy to say make friends with same skill and only run with them. Some people get limited time and even when you make friends not all roles or enough are online to run that group leaving you to PUG. This is such a bad argument that is always used by people that have that luxury when others do not.

You dont have to go beyond a 10 to get the best gear you can though.

MDI is a terrible baseline to hold average players in a PUG to.
where did i say that it was the base line?

Sure you may hit a wall thats when you keep doing it until you learn it
so you are willing to waste everybodys time failing keys because you refuse to take 5 mins and look at a route. sounds like you are being selfish.

This is such a bad argument that is always used by people that have that luxury when others do not.
Can make more than 4 friends to cover any gaps.
Claiming this is a luxury when it only requires the smallest amount of effort is laughable at best.
My schedule is insane and I’ve run m+ with over 10 folks from the forums alone
No you do lower keys until you +++ them and then continue on. Why do elitist just make up stuff to put on blast like this. No one said anything about depleting keys.

you can use them as a baseline and adap
Here you said to use it as a baseline and adapt. And MDI group would be very overwhelming for a newer player or low skilled player to watch and even understand whats going on to be able to adapt it.
I wish being an “elitist” meant something nowadays.
It currently just means “someone with a differing opinion”