Blizzard: More Information is Needed


I do have some concerns and issues regarding the process of restoring and addressing these attacks.

Ambiguity Regarding Character Resurrections: I understand that characters lost through DDoS attacks are being brought back, but we’re not entirely sure what Blizzard is referring to by what an eligible case is to recover. Are there more definitive criteria for what an eligible case is? Currently, it’s hard to determine if players in a particular circumstance will be able to resurrect their characters.

Restoration Process Update: While it is comforting to know that Blizzard is proceeding with character restorations, the post doesn’t entirely tell us how and when they will be doing them. Will they have some kind of queue for performing these restorations, or will they do them individually? A little bit of an estimate for how long players are going to be waiting for characters to be restored would be great.

Timeline of Restoration with Specific Dates: There are also some specific dates on which players have lost their characters due to the DDoS attacks:

  • March 12th, 2025,
  • March 14th, 2025,
  • March 15th, 2025,
  • March 18th, 2025,
  • March 23rd, 2025.

Is there any statement about how Blizzard will restore for players whose characters got lost on these specific dates? It’s great that you want to bring back players who died on March 24th, 2025, but I’m not certain if you will bring back players who died on the same date and leave out all the rest. It would be great if we knew a little more information about what kind of expectations we can expect.

Transfers After Character Death: Given that transfers after character death to the Dreamscythe realm were undertaken by numerous players, including those from my guild, after character death during the DDoS attacks, how is Blizzard going to approach these circumstances?

Overall, I appreciate Blizzard’s ongoing efforts to fight these problems and help the victimized players in case of DDoS attacks, however your statement has a lot of flaws, open to interpretation, and leaves a lot to be desired.


They already said it is solely at their discretion.

I wouldn’t hold your breath on any further restorations for other dates previous to the OnlyFangs murder, and likely not again after.


Well written post. Doubtful Blizzard will respond but I’ve been wondering the same thing. Glad someone posted in such a clear manner.


It’s really simple for anything you need from blizzard just one single question:

Are you big streamer?

If you answered no, you won’t get any help.


Nice one. They just rezzing streamers ?

The argument that this is “good for Hardcore and the community” doesn’t make sense because Blizzard has repeatedly ignored similar requests in the past when non-streamers were affected by external issues like DDoS attacks. If reviving characters due to server instability was truly about fairness or improving the community, Blizzard would have done this long ago, rather than only taking action when high-profile streamers were involved.

Why the Argument Fails:

  1. Blizzard’s Inconsistent Response – Players have suffered Hardcore deaths due to lag, server crashes, and previous DDoS attacks for years, and Blizzard never stepped in to help. But now, after streamers complain, they suddenly act—not because it’s the right thing to do, but because streamers are involved. If this were truly about helping the community, why didn’t Blizzard care when the same thing happened before?
  2. Streamers Getting Preferential Treatment is Not “Good for the Community” – Some argue that even if Blizzard is favoring streamers, it’s still beneficial because some non-streamers are also getting revived. But that logic is flawed. If Blizzard only acts when streamers are affected, then regular players remain second-class citizens who only get help when it’s convenient or when it makes Blizzard look good. That’s not a community-focused decision—that’s damage control.
  3. It Sets a Double Standard – If a regular player dies due to a DDoS attack or server instability outside of a high-profile event, they get no help. But when it happens to streamers, Blizzard suddenly finds the ability to intervene. This creates an unfair system where some players are more valuable than others, which divides the community rather than strengthening it.
  4. It Encourages Blizzard to Only Act When Under Public Pressure – The fact that Blizzard is only doing this now suggests that they don’t actually care about fairness—they care about optics. The community should be wary of a system where Blizzard only steps in when bad PR is involved, rather than applying consistent, fair policies for everyone.


The idea that this is “good for Hardcore” ignores the clear double standard Blizzard is applying. If helping players was truly the goal, Blizzard would have been doing this all along instead of only responding when streamers are involved. Instead of making the community stronger, this favoritism weakens trust because it proves Blizzard only takes action when it’s in their best interest, not the players’.


Fair criticism thats shared by many in hc player population.

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Yawn* You will be okay. I cant wait to be revived.

Personally I’ll be shocked if they don’t make it as far reaching as they can. I’m sure some people will post here pissed off because they missed the cutoff as they died on the March 12th DDOS at 8:01pm and the cutoff was 8:00pm, but that’s to be expected.

It’s one thing to say the only reason we’re getting any revives is because OF was impacted and we wouldn’t have otherwise, but it’ll be another thing entirely if the only revive characters in the specific instance when OF was impacted and the rest of the people are just screwed. It’ll crank the class warfare of streamers vs plebs up to a 12.

More information would be nice, but my assumption is they’re trying to compile the information and figure out the details of what the timeframes are for restoring characters, plus how to deal with transferred characters and what data they have available. Could be days before we get more information, and weeks before restoration actually occurs.

You a streamer?


Instead of editing your post to add the following:

Blizzard Customer Support cannot assist with issues related to characters who have died on Hardcore realms.

Let’s get some more information from you in regards to what I’ve posted.

Blizzard CS posted on twitter that they were also DDOS’d on March 22 (the first attempt of BWL by OnlyFangs), not just the March 23 OF wipe.

Added that as well.