Blizzard - Money

Demi gods - we as a community want our characters to feel relatable and to see them become as awesome as possible. Reputation from “gods” to make us more like gods for our efforts, wars that make sense, a meta verse, animated NFT’s we spend hours on. That’s it.
Give me money for more and save the game that I worshipped as a child.

And stop nerfing and buffing classes. Every class should be just as viable against the others.

I have no idea how any of this would work, but I’m on board.

Make it so, Doctor Xmx.

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The answer is always Mashed Potatoes :potato: :potato: :potato: :potato:


Please for the love of god keep NFTs, bitcoin and blockchain totally away from WoW. Forever.


This is epic lmao

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They introduced literal gods. Instead of higher ilvl crafting, some pointers from a god with infinite experience would do. Classes need to be intimately cultured and unique but powerful. They need to pay me though. :slight_smile:


I meant NFT as pieces of art.

We know and that particular Ponzi scheme needs to stay far far away from WoW.


i want a nft of all my legendary weapons in wow that i can upload in my elon musk official neurallink brain chip and 3d print real life versions of the weapons using self replicating nanobots that i control via elon musk’s neural link and starlink networks that can even mimic elemental effects such as fire and lightning, etc so i could actually beat people to death with a flaming Sulfuras irl, if i needed to, that i can then email to myself on the encrypted blockchain using encrypted non fungible tokens and send it across teh solar system to elon musk’s new mars colony populated by his cloned progeny he grew from the eggs he harvested from Amber Heard and Grimes, and his previous wives and girlfriends and then email MYSELF to MYSELF again using elon musk’s starlink network, so i can download MYSELF on mars, but then upload MYSELF into self replicating nanobot created 3d printed version of my in game wow character, wielding my real world sulfuras so i can run around irl on mars beating the heck out of elon musk clones in a fight for control of the future of mars. and then


Well, when you put it that way…

If I wanted a run-on sentence, I’d read Faulkner’s Absolom Absolom

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Maybe gods give all your abilities an additional feature, and at higher levels the abilities transform into more effective ones. at some point I want to be able to kill that same god for an even greater ability to become a god and fight alongside the others. I’d then always be at war with that gods’ underlings. I’ll be rich regardless

hey bro what do you think if what if WE were really the gods we met along the way all along the way bro what do you think of that bro what if that bro?

Gods are all well and good until you get this raid boss.

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Tell them to pay me ty all


Oh and I brought some beers too.

:beer: :beer: :beer:

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