Blizzard makes a New Warcraft game. What Genre is it?

Currently Warcraft has MMOs, Card game, and Strategy covered.

Blizzard bosses dictate that a new Warcraft must be made in a new genre. What do they pick?

It might be obvious, by my vote goes for Elder Scrolls style Open world Single player experience.

Hhhmm, Name it total chaos .

Live service cashgrab


Diablo tried that. Didnt work too well.

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Third Person Shooter.

Gta but warcraft

they didn’t have technology back then.

Another mmo.
WoW #2 time skip light vs void factions and Sylvanas is the new god emperor

mobile game. probably a clone of a mobile game already available in china made by developers in china and will be the “big announcement” at blizzcon because you people have phones dont you?

A guitar hero type game but with a didjeridu.

All blizz has to do is release a pet battle app and BAM. a million downloads day 1.

I thought wows open world was already single player…plus you forgot overwatch…

I personally wouldnt mind an actual looter shooter but i guess overwatch “2” and its pve mode are supposed to have some of that covered (even though it just looks like an expansion for overwatch but they can call it what they want since ill buy it with balance anyway).

Mature rating. Blood, sex, bad language and gore.

Survival RPG. Turn the realism up to 10.

Mages OP. They never have to worry about food or water. Or travel.

They are the bread and butter of this economy lol.

The Sims version of WoW.

You spend weeks working to build an amazing homestead, and then a Horde Raid comes through and burns it to the ground.


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Adult Dating Sim/Visual Novel.

I think they should make a solid RPG game, they really havent had one in a long time.

Ion “we have a system for that” Hazzikostas… you cant shoe horn an RPG experience into a single system no matter how many times you say covenants are about RPGs having consequences. Its about the overall feeling.

Call of Duty: Argent Dawn