Blizzard lost 29%of its playerbase in three years

This thread refers to the Blizzard part of Activision Blizzard. WoW doesn’t come under Activision’s portfolio.

The previously joyful Cookie Gnome has entered the scene making rounds with his wares. His once delightful tray is now tarnished and dull… the cookies stale and tasteless.

also btw I did not mean to derail this into a classic thread, but I can’t help but think that 29% loss number would be MUCH higher right now if classic did not exist.


(apologizes because well, SL is just well, free of joy and fun)


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Them’s fightin’ words Dwarf.

You DO NOT make fun of the Famous Grumble Cookies.

Get 'im!


Nope, since 2003 responsible forum admins have worked out that allowing any person to post any link they please leads to scum posting hostile links.

You can play the cat and mouse and put support people into it and still constantly deal with the terrible things done to your users. Or have a policy that limits live linking.

Please refer to the Syntax and Features guide that has been stickied at the top of the forum. It will tell you all kinds of things, including how to post links if you lack sufficient trust level to post live ones. In fact I’ll link it here for you.

New Forum Guide - Syntax and Features - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (

To save you some reading you can simply enclose whatever link you like in ` (grave marks) the other thing on the ~ key generally to the left of the number 1 on most keyboards.

That’s a fair point - HotS has been on the decline for god knows how long and SC2 probably isn’t losing the RTS crowd because where would they go? but the whole genre is just spinning its wheels going nowhere. (Except for endless AoE2 remasters.)

Why are you paying every month if you hate it so much? Spite? Because let me tell you, that’s not a very effective way of sticking it to people.

I mean, I’ve had some times I was less enthusiastic about, and some times that I decided you know what, I don’t need to play for a couple months, or I’m just skating by and RPing or hanging with friends. But at least there was some residue of enjoyment that was worth putting in a little time.

But if you think the game’s been crap for 5+ years and you hate the developers then why stay? What benefit do you get for putting yourself through this?

…I think you’re kind of weirdly obsessed with panda, my dude. Maybe give it a rest?

Ah yes the “why are you paying then lol” to a post explaining why people are anguished over the state of the game and want it to improve.

Good times.

Why are you so obsessed with what I replied to some other poster? :stuck_out_tongue:


So why are you still playing and/or coming to the forums? I bought a game I didn’t like about a month ago. You know what I did? I uninstalled. Wasn’t a hard decision. I didn’t enjoy it so why would I keep it on my computer? I mean, I didn’t even have to pay a sub. I still own it and it would cost me nothing to keep it on my computer/keep playing it/keep talking about it.

Yet I did none of the 3. I uninstalled it, I stopped playing it and I don’t bother going onto it’s forums (if it has any) or reddit to talk about it. Cause a game I don’t enjoy just isn’t worth that effort.

Don’t like it? Unsub, uninstall and move onto something else.

Call me a white knight if you want but what I’m suggesting is just common sense.


Why are people resorting to low effort “Then don’t play it” to posts which indicate that the players want the game to improve and succeed?

If you’re that lazy to just leave instead of helping to improve the game, be my guest.


I thought they lost 70 percent in the last 3 months… :joy:

Man the numbers keep on changing for the WoW is dead crowd.

breaks into the announcer box and pile drives the announcer before shouting “USA USA USA!”

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I’m just here to report the facts, sir. Even in this war the press should be free from aggression.

…and then there comes this guy!

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Ummm… did you read my post?

If I was unhappy I would leave. I’d send my gold to friends, uninstall and move onto something else. That’s what I do when I’m not enjoying a game because I’m a normal person who doesn’t subject themselves to hobbies they don’t like.

If you aren’t enjoying the game, you should uninstall and leave. Come back next expansion if you want but stop paying for and playing a game you don’t enjoy. Do something you do enjoy.

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Some of us who are unhappy don’t randomly leave.

We want to give feedback, improve the game and make it better because we want it to succeed and draw in more players and make it the best game ever.

In a way, we are more white knights than the sorry excuse of white knights.


I’m not enjoying the game but i enjoy logging on to play arenas with my friend when he finishes work and then logging off

To me thats still worth being subbed, but having lost everything else in the game that i found fun still leaves a bitter taste


You’re not “anguished over the state of the game”, you’ve come in assuming that the game is trash because the developers are some kind of nebulous evil that’s out to get you. And there are people who do this for years. At some point you gotta cut your losses.

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We are anguished over the state of the game.

Your logic is like saying “Damn Fortuna is working behind the scenes to bring WoW down”.

Doesn’t make sense.

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I can only speak for myself and those I know, I left in WOD when they were going to turn the SV into melee, blizzard basically deleting the years I had invested into my toon (and most of my friends that left was because they changed the class they played for years to the point it didn’t match what they loved to play anymore). only reason I just re-subbed a few weeks ago was the announcement of BC and hopefully LK so I can play those classes and specs again didn’t even bother to buy SL a waste of money IMO. (also bonus I’m not a fan of the crap scaling blizzard put in). *I’ve actively told people not to bother with the game, only the classic stuff is really worth playing.

*one of my friends dragged me back for a very short stint in BFA but neither stayed for long after we seen how bad they butchered the classes…


Besides the declining player base, it’s at the point where I wouldn’t even recommend the game to anyone who would want to look into playing.

The disconnect between those developing the game and those playing it is expansive. Add to that, my personal frustration with the constant changing of things … nerfing this, buffing that, changing legendaries, addressing gear issues with farmable currency, etc … these are all things imo that a development should have figured out BEFORE an expansion launches. Having to refocus your main or switch mains entirely every tier is beyond frustrating. They seem to not have a clue how to implement balanced systems so we end up with change after change after change which makes no sense to me.

I stay because of the time I have invested in the game until now but enjoy playing less and less. If there’s a breaking point for just stopping playing WoW entirely I haven’t reached it yet but I’m closer to it now than I’ve ever been.