Blizzard literally stole my money

I was a multiboxer. It was how I liked to play. I wasn’t a farmer, and I didn’t jam the the AH with herbs. I just liked trying to run instances and level by myself. I was a guild of one, and it was fun. Sure, WoW is a multiplayer game, but frankly, I just prefer the challenge of playing all the roles myself, tanking, healing and dpsing all at once. It’s just more fun to me than waiting around because the tank bailed.

To be able to play this way I had five accounts, and like every other multiboxer, I used input software as freely as a raider uses addons. Blizzard time and again stated I was okay to do this, and that my play style was supported.

So I bought Shadowlands for 5 accounts, and adding all the character transfers, have spent hundreds of dollars to play the way I like. I didn’t buy tokens, I paid for 5 accounts every month. I was not pay to win, there was nothing but the fun of multiboxing to win. Honestly, I still think it is crazy how much I spent, but it was the only way I enjoyed the game after 10 years of play.

So after setting up for Shadowlands, I took a end of expansion hiatus, and came back to find they just deleted my style of play, AFTER they took my money. Imagine they just deleted raiding, or pvp. You like playing that way, have invested time and money, and suddenly they just write you off.

I’ve been here since vanilla, but I will never play WoW again. I am disgusted that they would change their policy with no warning, and have no problem not offering refunds for their changed policy. Blizzard, you will not get one more dime from me, ever.


You can still multibox. You just have to figure out a way to do so without the use of external software that cheaters were using, causing you to not be able to anymore. Just to be clear, those cheaters made it so you cannot use the software. Also, it was NEVER supported, just not against the rules at the time.


This is not true, I’m afraid. Multiboxing has never been supported, and it hasn’t been removed as a viable playstyle. You just can’t use software that can be disguised for botting purposes, anymore.

And additionally, they did warn the playerbase of the coming change. Twice.


Why’d that offer refunds on something that have full rights to change as they see fit?

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Yea, no. Screw “the way you play the game”. It’s cheating and should be banned. Period.


Don’t blame Blizzard…blame the multi boxers using banned software to farm for hours on end. Blizzard had to do something to maintain the economy of the game. Figure out a way to multibox without the banned software.


Blizzard have been giving refunds for multiboxers. Have you tried?


Well yeah, all they know is that you have five accounts, and you paid for those five accounts. Multi boxing is irrelevant, they didn’t steal your money.


Blizzard stole your money?

You paid to play the game, you can still play the game.

You just can’t use 3rd party software to do it.


Don’t expect much sympathy here you dirty multiboxer.


Well, look at the bright side, you will now have more money to spend on other things more important than WoW.

I would try to get the four other accounts refunded for Shadowland or something, I can understand no refund for the subs, but if you didn’t truly play Shadowland yet, I don’t see why not.


hardware boxing isn’t banned. :slight_smile: you can stay mad about “cheating” all you’d like. even blizz says it’s not. your feelings =/= the rules.


This was so last week.

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Can I have all your gold that you multiboxed on?


How is that software comparable to addons? Lol I can move my action bar up a little bit vs controlling multiple characters at once.


Yes, I am surprised they wouldn’t give refunds because my understanding is that they were being pretty easy with refunds lately. Perhaps OP used something that made it a no go though.

I can sympathise about buying multiple expansions and you should get the unplayable ones refunded, but as far as making it against the rules to have any sort of automated system so that you don’t have to physically play each character, I can’t believe they allowed it as long as they did.

And you may not have used it to swamp the AH with herbs and metal, but many did, and this was the only real way to stop them.


I used to 2 box WoW with a laptop, I’ve also spent years 3 boxing Everquest, so I can relate.

It’s another example of throwing the baby out with the bathwater, and a heavy handed fix for a problem.


Whoo boy. There’s so much wrong with this post.


those bots you see all the time? that is/was the issue,not boxers. but you people that don’t understand the very big difference are more than happy to throw innocent people under the bus with you ignorance.