Blizzard kills another part of the community in 8.2

The only characters I have xp turned off on is my lvl 1 bankers. So they may stay a pristine lvl 1 always. Even when I take them outside the city to Brewfest or do other holidays quests to get them some new clothes to wear.

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Your opinion is bad and you should feel bad

Unless it’s sarcasm I’d hope

A voice of reason in the madness of the forums. Still Blizzard is trying to max profit so making a GM sit on trade everyday would cost them… I am unsure about a bot either, a GM is the better option for screening.

P.S. I want your mog set!

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Blizzard makes decisions to make money - this is only because they want to sell 120 boosts soon. If they believed it was actually wrong, they would have done this 6 months ago.

Glad the “development” team is working on such important things. NOT. Too bad they don’t read the forums and know about their customer.

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I’ve never purchased their services. I’ve leveled every one of my 12 - 120’s the old fashioned way… and yeah I’m happy that Blizzard is eliminating their spam in /2


Tinfoil hat comes out

This kind of reminds me of another “abusing” and “clever use”.

Back when I was playing paintball every weekend. There was this
one kid that would show up every weekend with a hole in his
paintball shirt, in the exact same place in every shirt.

At first no one thought anything about it as there was no rule saying
you cant have holes in your shirt. But, then someone saw why he
had the same hole in the exact same spot in all his shirts.

Whenever he was shot at from a foe in front of him. He would pull
on that hole holding his shirt away from his body. This would cause
the paintballs to bounce off his shirt, without bursting.

Once the field owner and refs saw what he was doing. They told him
he can not do that anymore, or he wont be allowed to play anymore.

Thats what WoW players do. They come up with things that are not
against the current rules. Look for loop holes, and things overlooked
by devs, to gain a advantage. Then complain when Blizz puts a stop
to it.