Blizzard just hotfixed the ability to detect layers using /who command

Lashraque, the world’s second Classic 60 said on last week’s Countdown you Classic podcast that he has 300 devilsaur leather and he knows someone with 300 black lotus. Blizz could say “no one has their banks and bags stacked with arcane crystals” and still be telling the truth without indicating that there’s still issues. They were trying to defuse anger, but were overstating it. Layering for sure has made some people on every server ridiculously rich in a way that wasn’t possible in Vanilla.

And before people say “he could be lying”. He is well known and had no reason to lie or exaggerate. In the context of the discussion, he almost admits that he feels guilty and that it’s probably not a good thing for anyone to have that much. So he doesn’t have bank and bags full, but 15 stacks is pretty nuts. What does 300 lotus on single character do? Can they own the economy if they choose?

Definitely a very interesting point. IMO it shows a lack of transparency and failure to communicate with the community.

The people who have been exploiting layering will still have their massive gold and item stockpiles, will still have their level 60 characters that used exploits to level, will still have their epics and rep.

They will still have the economic leverage to manipulate the AH forever.

This issue is hurting the game long term.

This would be excellent !!! I’ve seen some 60s in gear that only looked like it belonged to someone in their mid 30s,…def layering abuse at the late end leveling.


You also gotta ask who they even would have purchased from, or sold to. No one could afford their price, no one else was making the things, and quite frankly they’re probably just storing any excess flasks for later raids. That stuff will never touch the markets.

That’s not what those search commands do…

Yeah because large companies have such a good track record of being “honest.” LUL!

Yes and random streamers and people trying to get views online have a so much better track record.
I believe the one that has the data over the one that is just making stuff up to get views.

Why should he doing anything just because you want him to? Who do you think you are, the COMMUNITY?

Asmongold at one point had 250k people watching him, and now is pulling roughly 80k. That’s 100k people(his view count fluxes greatly) that are watching him abuse layering and then those people, tell their friends and its a domino effect. I know you are bias with your hate for streamers but he isn’t wrong.


Right now on Kirtonos: /2 /4 /5 are talking about him. He also bypassed hour cooldowns for professions as well. Nothing has happened to him or anyone else in that matter. I don’t care honestly but it hurts the economy and the integrity of the product and we all know how blizzard values their IP. like all normal companies should.

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This is absolutely true.

This is why Blizzard has not yet made a fully truthful statement. For example, their last statement about /who was factually incorrect. Rather than Blizzard making a truthful response, correcting their prior incorrect statement, they silently hotfixed the /who command to not show layer specific information.

It is clear to me that Blizzard won’t take an honest and community-focused stance on this exploit because to do so would require them suspending the same streamers that bring Blizzard millions of dollars in free advertising. Shame on them.

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Honestly, after thinking a bit about this, I want to believe that they did not acknowledge it in order to not propagate the news of it even further. I know, probably I am trying to be optimistic about it lol.

Here, I got you:
https:// www. twitch. tv/videos/475779014?t=01h01m35s

Remove spaces.

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Blizzard won’t even acknowledge the mess that BFA is in.

It’s adorable you think you’ll get anymore more than a hotfix related to this.

Oh boy lol. Welcome to this age. Of companies having the data and telling you whatever they want from the data.

? Yes they do. Check out here for screenshots and everything you want:

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Method fully worked confirmed by a bunch of other players. Go ahead and look through the screenshots here:

I tested it myself.

If it didn’t “work” for you, it could be because you were in an area where there was only 1 layer. Most areas don’t have many layers, maybe 2, 3 at most.


That wasn’t right in that thread either.


Oh yeah, then that is definitely proof.

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I am sorry, unless you provide some meaningful arguments to what you are saying, I don’t find much value. This has been explained thoroughly in the linked thread. The layering was visible through the who commands and they patched it now.

You might be referring to the fact that searching with a query actually searches through other things, including the region (but not only). That is also addressed in the previous thread, go ahead and read it. The issue was there and it was tested by everyone on the thread.

If you are here just to troll and ignore the other content of my post, you can go ahead but I am not going to waste my time, sorry. If you are interested in this, go and read the full contents of that thread that I linked.