Blizzard is so disappointed in us

Yeah because Progress and making the world a better place for every living thing literally is a good thing.

Also all politicians are corrupt conmen they don’t really care about either side as long as they get to live a life of luxury and importance :dracthyr_tea:

Both parties claim this is what they’re after, though. They’ll twist their reasoning and justifications for what they’re doing to suit that narrative.


I’d be disappointed in yall too with the amount of elves running around.

They dont read the forums so…

Serious question, how do we know that we aren’t all dead and these forums are punishment for our transgressions while alive?

Do the dead bleed?

One side of the political parties would shut up if the other side didn’t constantly try to shove their ideology down everyone’s throat. The fact that you know which side I speak of illustrates that it is a real problem.


By ‘ideology’ you mean just existing.


Negative, Ghost Rider.


Nah, that’s basically what it is.
People claim it as ‘ideology’ to make it more appealing to clown on. When said supposed ‘ideology’ is just ‘people are different in myriad ways and that’s ok.’

Hellraiser says “yes”.

Well sods then I dunno if I’m alive or dead now.
Curse you.

Just remember that over 400 years ago philosopher René Descartes thought up a Matrix like situation where if an all-powerful demon controlled all aspects of reality, then how would we even know if anything was real.

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Welp, time to test the real world like one tests skyrim to see what breaks first.

I admire your decorum in expressing your disappointment.

I also agree, by the way!

/Polite golf clap

That’s why I usually fall back on Immanuel Kant. Might not help with understanding reality, but at least you get a guideline on how to conduct yourself. Sometimes Kant’s Categorical Imperative is enough to get by on…sometimes not.

I salute your scholarly citing of Descartes.

/Raises glass

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well they kinda invited that over time. start representing real life stuff in the game and youre gonna get real life issues being talked about. duh.

they opened the floodgates themselves. engaged on the slippery slope. it is what it is.

and the trolls love it <3

doesnt help that they cant differentiate the troll threads from the legitimate ones. its an interesting spiral. trolls be putting up an lgbt shield and theyre seemingly safe for example. whatup Tul :wink:

Could you explain this? Id like to see the math.

It’s a two way street dude and I have not seen ol Blizzard try to listen to their playerbase for a long time.

So I shouldn’t be getting stock market advice from general discussion?