Blizzard is so close on the graphics

Use the water you want to use, Classic is a real RPG; playing with the modern water for the trivial advantages it provides is a BfA mentality. You need to unlearn what you have learned.

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Yup, they wanted feedback so I’m providing it. And it does seem they’re still tweaking things. I believe they said they’re working on shaders. So maybe water was something they hadn’t completely gotten to, or hadn’t decided on. So I’m giving them my thoughts.

Like I said in my first post, I think the goal should be graphical enhancements that most players wouldn’t even notice. You could show them a screenshot and they can’t tell if it’s Vanilla or Classic client. That would be a successful transition. And in that regard they’ve succeeded…minus the water effects. Those stand out and immediately labels the content as not being Vanilla. I think that’s something they should avoid.

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You know what? I liked the old water. It’s flat, low-res, the “wake” effect when you run through it is crappy and fakey, but it had a certain charm overall.

I think the “new water has a less opaque serface = gameplay advantage” is a very, very weak argument but I do fancy a graphical update to the water in keeping with the old version. A little darker, a little higher-res, a little procedural and interactive. The new water is neat in its own way, but seems more, I dunno, featureless.

I might play with the old water if I can.

Ahh, ok… I misunderstood the OP, thanks for clarification.

I love the old-style graphics, water included :grinning:

Cant you just show nameplates and see anyone under water anyways

Well I know in pvp my druid can almost always get a flag carry by swimming out the channel and then running the last bit. The 1st carry of that one as after that they are checking the water for me.