Blizzard is not prepared

This is perfect though. It will create the perfect vanilla experience by mimicking server problems of the past! Blizzard is 100% ready for classic launch. Also. You are in the wrong sub forums. Classic sub forums are that a way


this is why they are stress testing the servers.
they are finding the issues before launch.

Why can’t people understand the logic

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Bro that’s the Classic Experience. Terrible servers that barely worked. It’s working as intended. When they said “untouched Classic experience” that’s exactly what they meant. They bought old Servers from 2004 to run classic on to really give you that “it’s 2004 and I’m back in high school and this game is brand new I’m so excited” feeling.

Do you have any idea how many people were trying to log into the beta servers simultaneously during the stress tests? The server were going to fail. Blizzard just needed to know how badly.

Sounds like they absolutely are prepared for Classic. Don’t forget full 8 hour maintenance every single Tuesday for w/e


it’s a good sign in the sense it means a lot of people are interested

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Two days? Servers were crashing months after launch.


Oh look, there is another attack-Blizzard thread in General Discussion. How remarkable!

This person can’t think of anything real, so they are predicting that Blizzard WILL do a bad job in the FUTURE, and criticizing Blizzard for this imagined flaw.

Hell, that -WAS- the Classic experience. People cry about Tuesday maintenance now, but it wasn’t uncommon for the servers to be down and/or broken from patches :stuck_out_tongue:


People wanted the classic experience… crappy connections (no longer possible to fully re-create thanks to dialup going the way of the dinosaur) had to be recreated server side so you should be thanking blizz for their dedication to authenticity.

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Yes, but I don’t think Blizzard is prepared for the sheer avalanche of people that will be trying to log in on launch day.

It’s 9am on a Thursday, and I STILL can’t go more then a minute or two without DCing on the stress test server. Imagine how bad launch day will be…

Did not ever occur to you this is what the stress test is for? Testing different configurations under a full load?

That perhaps it was done on purpose?


A full load, such as launch day?

so what you are saying, is we are gonna get the classic experience

Sounds like Vanilla to me! It won’t be complete without the near all-day feeling maintenance every Tuesday.

Dude. It’s not June. They have time to fix things.

Still,wondering if people will plug their CRT monitors and switch to dialup for the True vanilla experience…

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Oof, I remember trying to do AV on a dialup connection. That was damn painful >.>

Well honestly that could have been that they sent out x number of invites and expecting a specific percentage of people to log on and got significantly more than expected…

The stress test was only one server and I know from last week when I was stuck in queue there was at least 2700+ other people trying to log on… So the number of people allowed per server maybe completely different once they go live with classic vs what they allowed for the stress test.

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I was playing on a cable modem… Do you live some place that is like uber remote? Granted it was only a 5meg connection at the time, but still significantly faster than dialup.