Blizzard is modern American "comics" and other MMOs are manga

Superman yes, Batman no.

Batman and Spider-Man are always going to be 1 and 2 and interchangeably.

The movies definitely did a lot for Iron Man. Is Batman cared for that much outside America?

I would say ya. Batman is cared for outside the US. Ya have to remember even before the movies Batman had one of the most remembered TV shows (ya it was campy but still for the time it was loved).

Plus Batman has the most broad appeal because of his video game appearances, and his extended animated universe collection.

somebody’s upset that a certain character they hated isn’t true death’d

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That was the whole purpose of bringing back Nathanos into the story.

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Manga is often creepy, weird and doesn’t do anything for me (this is slowly/stubbornly changing after marrying a chick who likes anime)…but at least manga doesn’t piss me off and make me want to throw a drink in the writers’ faces. Those egomaniacal pricks have 100% ruined comics for me.

Marvel comics are a laughable, lazy, offensive pile of steaming crap now.

There you go.

Are you kidding me?!?!