Blizzard is modern American "comics" and other MMOs are manga

Right now the American comics industry is being butchered in sales vs manga. Demon Slayer outsold every other comic combined recently.

The reason for this is because the comics industry is full of creatively bankrupt, real world political ramblings and “self inserts” They’ve lost sight of who their customers are.

Blizzard is the same way, you can tell in the way they seem detached from community concerns. In fact, they don’t even communicate at all. Then you have the creatively bankrupt writing with sylvanas.

I firmly believe that Daneuser at some point will have a self insert with sylvanas and try to form some kind of relationship with her. Its weird, like some kind of mind poison where people take a product the world loves, and rot/destroy it.

The comics industry is in a death spiral, its the crab in a bucket scenario. Where if one crab tries to leave the bucket, the other crabs will pull him down. So if any comic writer tries to deviate from the now accepted norm of self immolation, the rest of the industry will insult/shame/call some form of “ism”

Blizzard is in the same spiral, they want to fit in to this new age rot and the ship wont turn around. Even if they tried, there are enough drones within the organization to throw a fit. In fact I would even say that the original wow devs wouldn’t even be allowed to work in new age blizzard. Such a shame.


Yeah… but no matter how terrible DC Comics gets and how badly they butcher their characters… the two most well known characters will always be Superman and Batman.

Same with World of Warcraft regarding MMOs.

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DC/Marvel Comics >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Manga

Fight me.


I agree. The one thing I always loved about comics until recently was how there was NEVER anything political about them.

I miss the good old days.


It’s more they’re stuck in a loop where they’re retelling the same stories or resetting universes compared to a manga.

If I were to be like “Hey I wanna go try and read superman” There’s way too many to pick from

But if I were to be like “Ooo Hellsing looks good” then all the issues are out and that is it


Is this sarcasm or are you being serious? Let me know if we should be hyuck hyucking together or if I need to give you a lecture about how comics have always been rooted in political activism.


It was until this decade. Now we get the weird SJW versions of them.
shudders and wiggles toes

On the bright side, they are going broke. So maybe it will fix itself.


Is this some poor attempt at assuming manga isn’t politically-fueled?

Are you even aware of Japanese politics?


To be fair, should we?
We don’t live in Japan.

You do know that the X-men have literally been about social justice the entire time right?


You don’t have to be involved in Japanese politics in order to enjoy manga. I’m just saying that to insinuate manga isn’t political is a huge misrepresentation of the subculture.


I thought it was pretty much accepted that he recreated Nathanos as his self-insert for just that reason.

Anyway I sort of agree with the OP. Comics have become polluted by identity politics, or to put it more bluntly “wokeism”, and it’s bitten them in the behind because outside of a small but rabidly vocal minority nobody cares about seeing that crap in comics and it’s a turn-off to have a “superhero” who just constantly spouts out about current left-leaning political propaganda. But because that minority is so insanely vocal on social media, it skews the perception that it’s what people want. There’s a reason why “get woke, go broke” is a saying that has been proven relatively true.

In regards to WoW I think it’s not a case of any of that, but just stagnation. I would say it’s more like the movie industry: Bankrupt of ideas so just trying to capture the magic of something they did before by reinventing it, poorly. It’s pretty clear they are out of original ideas so have been trying to double-down on tried and true ideas that were liked to keep people. It’s not a real shock when you consider Legion was TBC 2.0, BFA was trying to cash in on the tired old faction war that they refuse to accept is a relic of the past, and Shadowlands seemed at first to be trying to replicate WOTLK but now who knows. The current dev team seems to be out of ideas and are just trying to keep the ship going for as long as it can.

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C’mon Son. Of course I’m not serious.


I understand it started under the guise of anti-racism. However, they still told good stories. Age of Apocalypse will always be one of my favorites.

wiggles toes

That’s fair enough.

“Started as”? “Guise”?

No… it’s ENTIRE existence from conception to now IS about anti-racism.

Then we shall hyuck hyuck together!


Kinda. Magneto and Xavier have different views on how humans feared their powers.

Think of it like the hulk, people attack the hulk because they are afraid of the hulk.

cackles and wiggles toes

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You can laugh all you want but your ignorance about comics as a child/teen doesn’t stop the fact that comics have ALWAYS been political.



Not every comic is political, take Spider-man as an example that it’s mostly a character balancing his daily duties and dramas.

Did I say every comic is?