Blizzard is destroying PvP

I’m okay with that.
I’d be a much happier gamer if they would just delete it so I could switch games.

minor correction: it happens to hardstuck 2k, 2.1k and 2.2k players too

I think you’re fried if you think adding rank based gearing into the game is a good thing, or grinding covenants. Shadowlands nearly killed every part of the game.

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shadowlands s1 and s2 were the biggest pvp seasons I’ve ever seen by a mile

game died when they released the stupid trinkets that made casters more or less immune to everything

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S1 was only big because of covid lockdowns before people mass quit. S2 was only big because it went on so long people like me had a chance to snatch glad.

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Agree to disagree ig

giving people reasons to play 1 toon is far better than fotm alt hopping

They nerf bm, we’re just going to see the next best spec in every single game. It’s not going to be any better, just another flavor of crap

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That’s never not been the case, people fotm’d in shadowlands too.

K how would u fix pvp

If you want a real solution to fotming? Actual PVP devs. Obviously nothing will be perfectly balanced, but if something is broken and people KNOW it won’t be broken for more than a few days until tuning hits, people won’t be as motivated to reroll.

BM has been busted for 2 weeks before getting baby nerfs. That’s just bad development. There’s no reason for it.

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Game has never been balanced

just harder to fotm

Nerfing one thing just makes another thing better, you’re never going to have a perfect equilibrium

It honestly just sounds like everything is a wash and there’s no hope. To many modes, balancing doesn’t happen nearly fast enough, and everyday more people leave

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solo shuffle
solo rbgs
outdated mmr system
tons of micro cc
tons of mobility
lack of rewards
slow turnaround on tuning
5 iterations of wow existing at the same time

pve is in a bad shape but not as bad as pvp. blizz does not care about making a quality product. they are just doing whatever to keep ppl subbed even if it means splitting up players between group/solo content and multiple versions of wow. they are even folding and adding player housing like 4 expacs too late

i queued some 2s for the first time since like the first 2 weeks of the season at 1600 mmr and was placed at 2200 mmr, fought dno and then some other r1 team, pretty insane.

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