Blizzard is blaming players?

Employees: Blizzard, our working conditions are horrible and degrading, you need to fix this ASAP!!!

Blizzard: We are so sorry! We’ll fix it!

Removes things that have been in game for 16 years and nobody complained about before

So Blizzard is blaming paying customers for their actions???


Not really. They’re just trying to show how supportive and understanding a company can be. Virtue signaling on an industrial scale. Well, when you try to change the world to accommodate the lowest common denominator, you invariably get a crappier world.

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Do people think the Blizzard executives are programming things out of the game? It’s the employees who have decided to do this.

Posts like this across the forum are honestly just baffling.

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How is this blaming players? Blizzard is trying to reform their image to a better state, and want their products to reflect that. I fail to see the issue.

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I have no part in what happening in the compagny and i come here to play the game.

If i was younger my mother would already have delete my account. She call me to tell me i should not play blizzard game. So yea dont put me in the bag with the guy who actually did the sexual harrasement.

Cosby room you should all be ashamed to even work here. I have 0 problem playing on a private server from this point forward. Silencing people for saying any version of the f word WHEN YOUR LEARDERSHIP ARE GOING FULL HARVEY WEINTEIN. THIS IS SOME NEXT LV STUFF

This make remember the proffesor in ethic who hit someone with a bike lock. It feel like its the same.

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You’re ok with it until they start attacking your /dance emote.

Then you’ll be up in arms, just wait.

Honestly bro, the dances could use some updating.

It’s fine, stop complaining about non-issues. A little soul searching is fine every once in a while. I’m proud of them for seizing the moment.

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