Blizzard is absolutely wrong about TBC HC

IDK who they’re talking to, because they’re clearly not playing the game. HC is not just an era thing. It’s still being played in cata, right now. It also would make much more sense to have the server go into tbc if we’re keeping the current hc. I love fresh servers and it’s cool we’re getting one either way, but with this set up it’s less hype :confused:

HC tbc / wotlk are basically what I called classic + before we were talking about classic +. The few changes we get 1-60 actually make the game feel fun in different ways with the same level of challenge. hc wotlk death average was still 15.

Wotlk HC is peak wow imo. I know that because I actually play the game.

Please make a fresh tbc hc server.


most likely they asked the “streamers” would you play tbc hc and they said no. so no tbc hc for us plebs

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i can see them basing things off streamers and view count. but a lot of them actually wish we had tbc hc too

I can see streamers wanting to do pure tbc hc servers not progression from vanilla to tbc. its too much of a time investment for them

that’s what i was saying.

tbc / wotlk 1-60 is better than era imo.

I wanted to do a hc event in wotlk where lvl to 60 only and can only do era content / gearing. but they ruined it with cata

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Cant wait to play HC Warlords of Draenor

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I was looking forward to HC TBC but i guess i’m just going to stop playing


That just seems like you don’t enjoy era, since for a lot of people, that leveling journey is kind of the main thing.



How the heck would you do BT? you know that one boss that KILLS YOU as part of the fight

That was actuaælly quite a good expansion for no-deaths :wink: only thing really bad was the non-remade NPC hunters that could one-shot even a normal player with aimed shot.

Well as Blizz changed the Kill-Quests in Classic HC, they could probably do the same here :wink:

we need HC Fresh WOTLK Servers

We literally have one of those in Vanilla as well. Vaelstrasz in BWL puts a debuff on you that when it expires you die. The way you get around it is by opening portals before the fight starts and whoever gets the debuff clicks on a portal.

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Personally, i think it could work, but Blizzard would have to do a lot of recoding due to a lot of 1 shot, instant kill mechanics. Some of which are unpreventable.

Do i feel like it would be an amazing experience going from 1-70 as hardcore? Yes, absolutely i do. Especially with tbc being one of my most favorite expansions.

Blizzard would essentially have to hire people and invest time, money, and hours to make HC tbv viable… which will never happen. Look at SoD… it could have been so successful if they didnt stretch 1 team so thin with so many projects.

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you think you do but you don’t :expressionless:
lots of mechanics in TBC will just randomly kill you. and tons of people will be here whining and begging for changes. it’s not gonna happen.

To test the waters they could just implement the two Watchers giving us Soul of Iron buff on TBC to see how many were liking the idea.

I have thousands of hours leveling in era.

I said the HC leveling experience is better. Have you played HC tbc or wotlk?

I can say driving a ferarri is better than driving an older car but also i have an older sports car i drive all the time.

your lower / 1st order thinking is what causes so much struggle in the world ( not an insult )

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The two are not dichotomous



What happens if your garrison dudes die monka

You can play WoD without ever making a Garrison - which btw was not allowed for IronMan (OG Hardcore) back when WoD was actual contents :wink: