Blizzard: How to Properly Fix Nazjatar Events

The recently added Nazjatar events were a great addition to the game. Gave something out in the world to complete other than dailies and world quests. However, just as recently, they have shown their issues on execution. The Commanders require you to at least tag one to get some reward, multiple if you want more. While the Battle for Nazjatar required a single kill of the opposite faction. To hot fix the issue with Battle for Nazjatar, it has become only available to shards that are “properly” balanced of members. This in turn forces the event to not ever happen for players who end up on shards that are not. Such occurrences, though, happen far more than not for a lot of players. Myself included.

Now having participated in both events more than once, I can safely say that neither had a proper reward condition. Commanders only gave something if you manage to tag one. So if you picked the wrong choice, or were just too slow, you don’t have a chance for any reward. Same can be said for the Battle of Nazjatar, being stuck on a shard where the opposite faction either stays inside their home base, or just doesn’t “exist”, you get zero reward even if you manage to capture all the flags. I do hope in the next couple of paragraphs I may be able to help properly fix the glaring issues with the systems to allow all in the zone to get rewards, but also incentivise participation and prevent abuse. Maybe even be able to allow Battle for Nazjatar to return to it’s glory state. As it was fun.

First and foremost, they are ok in execution, but horrendous on reward. As mentioned above. Players have to tag at least one commander to even get anything. Here is where the problem lies. If a player is either too slow due to being too far away, killed by the opposite faction, or picks the wrong Commander due to opposite faction players. Quoting Willy Wonka: “You get nothing! You lose! Good day Sir!”. A fix I have been mulling over in my head would be an area-wide reward. Something along the lines of 10 Nazjatar Battle Commendations and 20 Prismatic Manapearls. However, to prevent abuse, players have 15 minutes to kill the commanders. Every three minutes, if at least one remains, the reward goes down by 1 commendation and 2 manapearls. This fix i feel would prompt more participation as well as being less punishing to those who cannot make it to a commander in time. It’s also unabusable as in if you want any reward, you have to get them down, and the greater reward for completing it fast.

Battle for Nazjatar:
This event was a little harder to figure out a decent fix, but I think I may have come up with a good alternative reward system. Right now(outside of current shard balance requirements), in order to receive anything from it, you have to kill at least one member of the opposite faction. Though, due to imbalances, you either had to raid the opposite faction’s home base to get one kill(also given you are part of the group that does and get a tag), or you would receive nothing due to having no-one to kill. What could work would be alternative ways to gain the ability to receive the reward. One way perhaps, is killing at least one player of the opposite faction, flag guard of opposite faction, killed by player of the opposite faction on a flag, or defending a flag for 30s-60s. This way, even if you are unlucky to kill someone, or just can’t manage to, as long as you participated in the event you can still get something. Even the dying on flag part would give some incentive to participate as it would at least give you something in return.

How the rewards would be handled is reverse the Commander system. Players start out gaining only 1 commendation and 2 mana pearls base. Plus a percentage of 5 commendation and 10 manapearls increasted by 2% for every percentage of points your faction has in flags as bonus. I.E. if your faction filled their points, that’s 200% extra, but if they only got half that, they get 100% increased bonus. This reward fix should at least make the unbalanced servers able to get something from the event, allow it to come back as the proper event it was, and is not as abusable as it previously was. The base reward is just for being there and participating something, even if just a death, and the bonus incentivises participation as I know players want more rewards.

All in all, I hope to see a glorious return of the events, especially the Battle for Nazjatar event, as they were fun. Gave more reason to remain logged in and in that zone. Please take into some consideration what I have proposed. Perhaps if you do these, the players would have a slight change of heart towards some of the decisions that have been made during this expansion.

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Bump as this needs to be seen.

just remove nazjatar and put another mechagon


I think they design things like this to encourage trolling.

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It was an idea…

Battle for Naz - or they could just disable it. Why should one faction (whichever faction that may be) get special rewards just because they have more people?

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Imagine a battleground. Except, you can leave without a deserter debuff if your side is losing. And, you can join other instance raids of the battleground until you find one that your side is winning. What would people do? That’s right, leave if they’re losing, and shop around for instances until they find one that they’re winning.

That’s what Battle for Nazjatar is. It would have been a great battleground, except the strategy is to find an instance where you’re already winning, not to try to win the instance you’re already in.

The idea was faulty from the start.

The correct fix is to turn Battle for Nazjatar into an actual battleground that you can queue for, and take it out of the world zone entirely.

Why should they remove something hard to create and fun just because one side refuses to participate in a huge portion of the game