Blizzard! How many more subs are you willing to lose before you finally address premades?!

There was no Discord back then so…

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Its an MMO gets some friends and coordinate. Raids are coordination, pvp is coordination the game is designed around working together with other players.


There was Vent and Teamspeak.


…people used vent and teamspeak.

You know, they also had these things called 'guilds., and ‘friends’ to make groups together. I know that in modern wow these aren’t necessary to see all the content, but they certainly were in vanilla, and the same with classic.

why people would rather see Blizzard make alterations to the classic/vanilla way of things to make it more like retail boggles the mind, and is why you start to think that those who make these suggestions are modern retail players who did not play in vanilla.

Premades certainly existed back in vanilla, and those were the most successful players in battlegrounds. Its no wonder that more and more people look at it as the way to play in classic. That’s why there is more of them. Don’t blame Blizzard because you can’t adapt to this. Its no different than the Twink phenomenon…its used because it is successful.


Premades where absolutely part of vanilla. I was in the HWL one on my server back then, and we fought a lot of other GM teams. It wasn’t near as rampant as it is now, my record is 7 straight games against premades, swapping between AB and WSG. Acting like they didn’t exist to try and make a point is just plain wrong and dumb though.


if you can’t communicate with a pug, but need a premade, then there’s something wrong with you. But from a premades standpoint, it’s still a “Pug”, but you have control of what you have over real pugs.

How many more threads do we have to get about the broken PVP that is just tacked on to a PVE game? This is very obvious but some people refuse to see it.

Honor system was a mistake. You have people complaining on one side that there isn’t enough honor to go around, and the other side just AFKs because that’s the meta because they can get into a BG near instantly.

I do give horde players some credit, at least they have to play the game to get R14.

If there are so many premades that they are the majority, this means two things.

  1. More people are forming groups for WSG and AB than queuing solo.
    Which is expected because it is more optimal to go in with a group that has some level of cohesion

  2. There are enough of the grouped people playing that threatening sub loss is probably futile

It was, after 1.12 patch dropped, or shortly after, because if you did not go in as a group, you were probably going to run into a group from another realm and get jacked.

Before 1.12 it seemed to vary a lot from realm to realm.
Some realms had very active PVP guilds, i know mine did, and they had premades in WSG and AB constantly, and we would try to organize pug premades in order to have some chance of competing against the pvp guilds, at least not just face roll lose.

Other realms, at least what people tell me, did not have much of an active pvp guild thing going, and everything was just pugs only?

If you think alliance can afk to rank 14 you’re delusional.

no you just stomp pug after pug, duck an opposing premade so you can keep stomping pugs and getting free honor and loot. joke is still on you tho cuz its not gona make you better at the game at all. all that gear and never really testing it against worthy opponents, that’s the real tragedy. but then again you guys get salvation so you don’t know what competitive raiding is like either. then you wonder why you never win in av and blame everything but yourselves /spit

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Can i like this more than once?


you don’t know what you’re talking about. this is no longer possible.

“9th premade in a row”

How long until he realizes pugs are the vast minority and most matches during the battleground weekends are premade vs premade?

No now, it’s not nice to ruin his delusion.

Probably about 100 matches or so?
Or until he looks in LFG channel and finds that half the pugers are premading even.

Lol, where’d you pull that number from?

Nobody is being well taken of here :frowning:

‘‘I dont want to have to socialize in an mmo to improve my chances of winning’’


go to AV


There’s more premades today than before but there’s also far more guilds clearing BWL than back in 00’s too.

It’s ridiculous to think that the players of today would be more focused in PVE content but not in PVP.

“The majority of games are against premades.”
“There are enough solo players to threaten Blizzard with significant sub losses.”

Pick one.