Blizzard hiring practices...they keep stepping on their own..."feet"

Stuuuuuuuuuuuuupid topic.

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talent and merit mean nothing anymore.

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sorry you got passed over for the job mate


a much better tinfoil hat troll would have been to link this to the King Games diversity tool. I mean if you’re going to go down the rabbit hole, go for the bottom.

I love this comment.

Where’s the “wokeness” in the above job listing?

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The PhD is under “Bonus Points” LMAO.

That’s not requirements. That’s “it’d be nice if you had but not counted against you if you don’t”

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Get woke my darling.

The best three-word summary of WoW General Discussion I’ve ever read. Kudos to you!

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Let all the minority applicants that were not hired by Blizzard speak up because it’s obvious they have no diversity on the payroll not only at Blizzard but most tech companies.

And yet HERE you are, and still playing the game…Great Angle you have there…