Blizzard hates hunters. thats a fact

No new spirit beasts in a whole expansion about the spirit world.
woefully undertuned constantly.
can never get survival working ever since the hair brained idea to turn it into a melee spec
MM is either wayyy op but then gets smacked hard into oblivion.
if you want a class that will always have 1 useful spec just play something else.


Survival plays great. Just need the numbers tweeked


I think there is a huge amount of people that play hunter and melee doesnt even cross there mind at being an option.


That’s pretty much how I feel about it, had a couple people tell me its fun tho. Just sounds odd to play in melee as a hunter to me.

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Still cant mend pet on lesser dragonkin pets, kind of a big deal, kind of core to the class to keep pet alive


Yup, i think its fun but if i was going to play melee i would play a warrior or rogue or DH. I play hunter for the bows bro!


No new spirit beasts? Is Bloodgullet a joke to you?


Its the whole reason people didnt like Shadowlands ya know!

It works fine, if you dont know what your doing just ask okay Bepples?

so literally any class ever

I can go to any other class discord and find someone complaining about the OP spec and they will say this exact thing about their class
Honestly this just reminds me how dumb people were thinking Frost mages were gods in cata because ice lance was to much for them in pvp or whatever. (it wasnt)

After everything I have seen here on the forums, I highly doubt that is the case.


The 100 upvote turn survival back into range wasnt enough?

Melee survival was a huge mistake.


really sounds no more different then all the part time drive through workers on twitter saying the billionaire space guy who runs multiple businesses doesn’t know how to run a business. It wasnt a mistake, it was needed. And its more fun of a spec then it was before hand. Survival was my first spec I ever played in this game and im glad its no long using a bow

On that note, SV is down to below 2% of Hunter’s PvE playerbase.

Extremely common melee Survival L.

This is in contrast to the ranged iterations which were capable of being the most played spec in the entire game. Imagine the level of delusion you need to believe it was improved!


Survival is the lowest represented spec and was dead on arrival in legion not as bad now. It absolutely was a huge mistake. It was like 1 percent or something it was really low.

They coulda turned it into a engineer duel pistol gadget spec or a run and gun spec. Eh idk i think we have enough melee in the game and not enough bow/gun specs… only 2 now.

But i understand you like survival, i think its okay i played it in ahadowlands but not because i wanted to because it was so much stronger than mm. I understand the appeal i just think we dont have enough gun or bow specs.


Yes. I hate his run animation…

You are not very bright at all Dact.

For every whiny little child crying about Survival being melee, there’s 5 other people happily enjoying Survival or just not caring at all…

Just stop. Survival is melee and it’s going to stay melee indefinitely. Your crying isn’t going to change that.

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Thoes 5 people are the entirety of the SV playerbase though


No matter what, there will always be a spec like this no matter how popular it is. Its a bad argument to be tossed around constantly. Its like saying the twilight movies were bad but guess what, they made millions.

would of been cool, but thats even more further away from waht the spec is supposed to be and would make more people upset even though its cool. also the lore.

personally, im glad we dont have more because it would just make hunters a whatever class. If anything for ranged suvival, just give us duel wield cross bows or something like that if you want to go range. I think that would be neat

I see more msv than MM for sure. pvp, dungeons, open world whatever. May be more not doing msv in raids but who cares

What part of “Lowest represented spec in the game” dont you understand. Just because people like it doesnt mean its a good spec. The fact that they rework it and do major changes every expansion since its terrible release in legion is a big notion on that fact.

It was severely dead on arrival in legion.

So save your insults


Yea i disagree. Hunter wasn’t a Whatever class before the legion changes to survival.

Hunter use to be the MOST popular spec in the game. before they ruined it. It has been terrible for years now thanks to a ton of things but in my opinion making survival a melee spec while the majority of specs in the game are melee is one of them.

Yea i disagree, there is a big difference between being the bottom of the list for representation and having a 1-2 % representation rate

Hey… we are getting some quivers, ammo pouches, and some hoods with the Trading Post!

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lets be honest this current class dev team can’t make a ranged spec at all. if they brought back range sv it would prob be terrible. just check dev evoker all you do is shoot some red and blue balls and channel a beam. the only exciting part of that spec is some dragon attacks from a boss from 2005. not exactly cutting edge game design.

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