Blizzard hates Classic RPers

It’s not that you can’t RP on a normal realm. But you’re now the outlier with a bunch of people who don’t get it, respect it, or participate in it.

Where as an RP realm designations says “hey come play here if you want to be surrounded by nerds who love D&D and roleplaying and stuff and want to live in that world and tell stories in it” and you’re the majority of the playerbase of that realm.

Versus being the outlier and having to deal with griefing, people being disrespectful, or at best, doing stuff that doesn’t help to form that deep realm wide immersion.


Can we point to any Classic realm and say that this has been the case? It certainly doesn’t seem like any RP naming rules have been enforced on Grobbulus or Deviate Delight since they’ve opened, at least from the names I’ve seen on the forums and the brief time I spent checking those realms out in-game.

Don’t they already anyway?

Thanks for sharing!

Do you think that adding RP to the server designation on Nightslayer would make any difference?

So it’s more that it’s something you can point to and say, “Yes, this is an RP realm.” type thing. That makes sense, I think.

So, same question: Do you think that if they rebrand one or all of the anniversary realms to RP, RPHC, and RPPVP that it would make any difference or does there need to be additional realms for each actual type to signal “This is an RP realm?”


… my post in reply just got deleted.


Can you undelete it please, whomever is browsing this fine thread. I really don’t want to retype it.

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Yea I got flagged and deleted for making the griefer comment. Somebodys salty.

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I dont’ even have a flag or notification. And my current reply had nothing at all bad in it.

I’m guessing it was the names. The B—y one prolly did it.

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I can still see both your replies fwiw!

No one will have objective data on this. Subjectively, I felt there were significantly less non-RP names on Grobb in 2019-2021 than there were on Herold or whatever PvP server I also had an alt on. Just a subjective anecdote. I also know for fact that they did force name changes on players who had names reported for non RP. They had to be reported though, and by enough players to trigger it. Thankfully on an RP server, that was easy to achieve as we didn’t want Warlockobama running around. Didn’t even have to organize a mass report.

More so than the reactive name

change violation, it’s about the players opting into the ruleset and designation. So you had players who just made appropriate names from the start. I’m sure someone would argue Jarl isn’t an RP name — it likely isn’t in the strict sense. But it isn’t an obvious violation either imo. People tried to create names that were not so obviously not RP on these realms.

In my experience, griefing of RPers on RP realms was very rare. Been playing them near exclusively since I started this game in 2004.

Absolutely not. It would be insulting if they did this. The players there already self selected PvP. Retroactively adding RP will just make a confusing server of non RP players with a mix of RP designation added after the fact. Imagine being told at level 60 “hey I know you didn’t want to be on an RP server but now you’re on one and you need to respect this community and ruleset”. There would be war between the RPers and the non RPers in a very bad way. We already get ridiculed enough for enjoying RP… forcing people into it (who chose PvP) isn’t the way to go.

If they did add an RP realm from the start in Anniversary, I’m not even sure it would feel like an RP realm. I suspect we’d have a repeat of Crusader Strike which eventually had its RP designation removed.

I do wish they had added an RP variant a week or two weeks after launch. That way you’d have all the people already rolled on their realms and then if you really wanted RP you could have it without all the edge lords rolling there day 1 looking for Grobbulus 2.0.

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I don’t see mine at all :frowning:

I am guessing our next bet is to aim for RPPVP Server for TBC Prepatch. No transfers for x time, fresh. I would reroll in a heartbeat. Leveling is so much easier in TBC as well, especially with hybrid love.

That’s a good point. You’d actually get more players who want a true rp experience by waiting a little bit.

It’s not gonna happen though. Blizz wants as few servers as possible. The experience means nothing to them.


I would :100: be on the wait train for an RP realm.


I’ve been considering rolling on Grobbulus Era as a “forever Classic home.” It seems that that has an RP community and hasn’t appealed to nor attracted the types of players who might grief RPers.

For sure I get the attraction of a fresh realm and leveling with others at the same time, etc. but that only lasts so long. And yeah I do think it’s worth the experience, as I fondly remember “fresh wrath pre-patch” on Skyfury. Even though the server died off 6 months or so later, it was worth the experience in my opinion.



Fresh is fun in general I’m just over it after doing it like 5 times.

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