Blizzard has put the Noble garden info on the EU site if you want a heads up

They haven’t for the US yet

Mount is RNG on a once a day boss. Got a week to farm it. Transmog is too.

Now you don’t have to do pvp stuff to get rewards like Plunderstorm! A dream come true for pve players! This is what you wanted right guys? Just auto afk farm at a boss!


INB4 FOMO doomsayers and denialists

Well, there goes any other plans I may have had in WoW next week - egg farming it is.

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What no Doom 2 pet rabbit Warcraft PvP ?

Like we fight waves of demons that spawn in the map like an epic Legion invasion? Giant demon bunny boss appears.

We got the BFA Warfront PvP already

:dragon: :imp: :ocean: :imp: :dragon:

How do you mean?

Actually that would be awesome.

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“FOMO is going to ruin this game forever!”

“Nah, buddy. That thing is in your mind and your mind alone. Executives would never try to drag you back and milk money out of ya with limited time events”

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I’m so sick and tired of this low droprate RNG crap for holidays.


trying to figure out how many of these “new” rewards are actually new

Recolors and a carpet with eggs and a duck.

Then don’t do the event.

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duck pet is pretty adorable



I did get the horseman mount on my 3rd try! With my main and not running alts ad nauseam

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

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Thanks, I don’t plan to.

But I am absolutely going to call out crap design when I see it— like has been talked about endlessly around here for years.

Go be dismissive to someone else.


So they’re posting our updates on the EU forums now? That doesn’t sound like improved communication.


I like how inclusive you are here. :upside_down_face:

Wait the duck mount is RNG? :weary::sob: idc about the carpet, but it’s the duck??

What the duck!!!


Those forums actually have blues posting and responding in threads all the time.

Fun fact my last 3 GM answers were EU. I have honestly no idea what goes on in Irvine or Texas.

We’re not cool enough

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:


it’s on wowhead if you prefer?