Blizzard has an over-correction problem

I think surv was intentionally OP. Would make for a great experiment. How overpowered does a spec that has been a joke need to become fotm.

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You can see by season to season and expansions to expansion mythic+ and arena spec/class participation and raid log parse count that players on a massive scale will constantly reroll to what is the best spec.

Holy priest lived in Disc shadow for a decade and now all of a sudden everyone is holy.

Survival of course barely saw any play at all and now it’s just assumed every Hunter in invite is survival.

The funny thing is, Surv was always amazing in M+ on Fort weeks… it just had a bad rap.

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I think they do this intentionally. It strikes me how out of balance things are, to the point where it seems like over 90% of people are aware of the meta etc. For Blizzard to be unaware seems very improbable

What they could do is have classes be meta still, but much less so. If one class had a 5% edge over the others people would still flock to it. But right now with some classes performing nearly 100% better than others it roots out player choice

If a person is at all serious about their score they’re simply not going to pick a spec like ret paladin (unless they’re going for top ret paladin or something). Because where a ret paladin might eek out 17k overall in a run a demo warlock will do 30k overall. So there isn’t really choice. Or rather the choice is do you want to be able to participate in higher-tier content? then pick a meta spec. or do you want to just putz around and have fun in lower keys? then you can pick whatever spec

I don’t think 5% is really feasible with further homogenization, but yes… it should be smaller than it is now.