Blizzard has an over-correction problem

Totally fair; however, I think the approach of “just get me out of shadowlands” is going to have a SIGNIFICANLTY worse long term impact on the game than most people think. We were dealing with this at the end of BFA as well, people were begging to “get me out of BFA.”

When those of us that were playing Beta actively were saying things like “Yo guys this game NEEDS to be delayed because it is super not ready.” We were met with a lot of scorn and derision, and then lo and behold, SL came out and was clearly NOT READY.

So I tend to caution people against the whole “just get me out of here” or the “new content is better than no content” mentality b/c it often has significant long term negative impacts on WoW.

We need to be better about this as a community. A 10 month long season that ensures us a much more polished expansion is a way better decision for the health of the game longterm.


Funny, because the over-generalization of all Gen-Xers as “Latchkey Kids” was driven by commentary from the Boomers, lambasting their own generation for neglecting their kids.

I think it’s just that we just live in the Age of Complex Noise, so people feel the need not only to overgeneralize and over-correct, but do so very loudly.

Sepulcher is a massive overcorrection because like 50 guilds said Sanctum was too easy. Season 4’s release date is a massive overcorrection because people complained Season 2 was too long.

I honestly don’t think I’ve ever seen pretty much the entire raiding community so unanimous about how bad this S4 release timing is.


As of this moment the Alliance hall of fame is up to 94. Have we ever had the hall of fame not filled when the next season is announced?

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All while being over-parented and under-latte’d. It was pretty brutal.

Where was it stated that this was originally planned ?

but that’s impossible! i keep hearing that Blizzard only cares about the elite raiders!

The actual elite raiders cleared 3 already… will clear 4. to be ready for DF no issues. why they are the supposed elite.

tbcc is the same with a basically shorter fused season for wrath coming. their elite want wrath. like now…

for those you can’t clear SWP un-nerfed…they’d say git gud lol. for those going but I don’t have glaive they’d say make money and gdkp it or spring for HR runs. they don’t want to wait for 10000 rogues to be full glaived. also not caring if 10000 hunters don’t get the swp bow either.

You realize that most world first kills, with arguably the best raiders in this game on the planet… are often in excess of 600 pulls.

They have ALWAYS announced the release date of an expansion a year before they launch it.

Just like they always had q bunch of stuff to showcase and get people hyped on the next expansion.

They have been quiet AF. SUSPICIOUSLY QUIET this whole time, to the point where you just know its not going to be good.

What? No, they didn’t nerf my class tier set into the ground prematurely. /s

It is common. But it’s also common to ignore problems, then procrastinate, then make a feeble attempt to fix something, before finally overcorrecting. That’s what happens here. Just before they move on to overcorrect something that nobody thought was a problem.

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Over-correction is sort of their thing. With everything.

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Except class balance. Still need more time to tell whether Destro, Survival, and Blood are OP, we just aren’t sure yet

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Vault will be irrelevant because bis gear will be from raid. Outside of one or two slots that don’t have coverage, every class will be wearing fated SLG/Denny, KT/Sylv, or Rhy/Lords/Jailer gear.

Gen x are honestly the most entitled generation. Everyones voice HAS to be heard, and anyone that shares different views is shamed and ridiculed.

News flash, nobody cares, not even the people you preach with. Its just a selfish entitlement game.

Im a millenial, turning 30 in 2 weeks. My parents were hard on me but taught me valuable lessons. Got the wooden spoon a few times, backhands, and yeah it sucked at the time, but as i grew up i realized what they taught me and had instilled in me.

In my opinion parenting has gotten soft and created over entitled brats that want everything handed to them on a silver platter. Mom and dad gave them everything they wanted because they threw fits about it, they get participation trophies, and told nothing they do is wrong which creates a god complex like we see with todays generation.

Dont believe me? Just go watch a gen x debate over something. Youll see

World first =/= your guild doing pulls on the boss 4 months after it was released where it has been nerfed by nearly 50%.

Blizzard doesn’t have an over-correction problem. Blizzard has a balancing problem because they have too many systems in their game to balance.

That’s Boomers, darlin’.

5ish month raid tiers for non-last raids was the norm for pretty much forever until CN and SoD went super long. They were the anomaly.