Blizzard has a story telling problem in wow

To be fair, I don’t recall anyone remaining in the horde that is left unpunished.

Blackrock and Dragon Maw disappeared. Aethas has been kicked out of the Council of Six. Gallywix is on the run.

Shape color, animation style…

It doesn’t matter. Reading rollovers and going to wowhead to figure out what happened in a fight is not a proper design style guideline.

And that a few could be handicapped doesn’t mean you handicap everyone. Some people are deaf, should we then remove all sound effects and sound cues?

Oh for sure. I think we’re both saying similar things, just in different ways. And of course, some folks care more about one thing over the other so it is subjective. Like I said above, with Blizzard it’s a little moot because this story is unforgivable-ably bad, and the gameplay is…well, the base game is fine! But these systems are too much.

As someone more on the RP side of things, story is important to me. And it’s so hard to enjoy the game when I’m spending so much time wondering how these writers have managed to keep their jobs. My suspension of disbelief is just…broken, which makes it hard to dive into the game. But I’m also just a lame RP nerd, so that’s just me. :sweat_smile:

It doesn’t matter how you tell a bad story, if it’s still a bad story.

One of the great things WoW had going for it was the mystery of the cosmic forces — now we find out the cosmic forces are basically just robots? It’s a mess.

I like the side quests, it helps me forget the horrible larger narrative arch of the last 2 expansions. Please don’t remove side quests.

They tried to do this with the 50-60 leveling campaign and it put the character in an on the rails progression track.

And I hated it. Hated it. It’s why I can’t get into FF at all.

Let me roam free!

OP, I don’t think the lead developers actually care if there is a story or not. All they care about is making sure they meet their MAU goals and keep the revenues streaming in so they don’t get the boot.

They have completely trashed the lore in this game and it is sad. The new zone has zero point story wise. I thought we were going to there to prevent the jailer from entering the Sepulcher, but he did that day one while we were all running around the big circle doing stupid stuff. And then all of a sudden Anduin shows up all better and has me watch a movie of how he broke free… lol-what? In the old days we would have actually had to go rescue him, even if it was in LFR. And reducing Arthas to 35 anima without even giving him even a line of dialogue was terrible. He doesn’t get a chance at redemption, but the guy who threw him in the maw and worse, the woman who destroyed two civilizations does? :woman_shrugging:

Disappointing to say the least.

I’m still in the Horde. Game play wise quest have Horde players doing things that are beyond questionable. Like I said lore wise the Horde faces punishment but in game is different. The Alliance has been written into a corner where they are always reacting to something, never driving the action.

You don’t have to go to WoWhead, there is a fight recap in game. All games have a learn curve game design should not be about hand holding. Now if WoW had something like tutorial system then design with shape, color, animation, and style into would be beneficial as learning tools.

As for your example about deaf people, it makes no sense. No one is being handicapped by not having things the way you want it designed. If people need that level of hand holding they can get an addon just like hearing impaired people use addons to help them.

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Hmm. I think I can only recall the alliance actions against Silvermoon, Thrall, Kalimdor, and the Zandalari. Most of this is quickly resolved by taking heads.

Like I said in another thread, you know what I really want? Is for the lore/story team to come up with a story that doesn’t have known NPC’s for them to lean on as a crutch. Give me a story where the only person I know is me and I get to meet all new people with a new story not weighed down by previous WoW lore/story.

I want to see the lore team walk on their own two feet. Then I can honestly judge the team once and for all and decide if they are truly this terrible.


I think that they’ve discovered a few static concepts of what keeps us playing the game and veered away from creating a great success towards just creating a success.

WoW will never tell a good story with Danuser in charge, people need to accept that.

One of the great questions we have about our cosmic forces is what is really out there or pulling the strings? And far as we know it’s just the pantheons of death that are robots. And in a lot of other lore’s out there a lot of great beings were created for a purpose. So not a mess.

Wow has always had weird side quests. Isn’t new to these last few expansions. And I’m not against them if the overall story is in place in game. But this expansion we need every quest to be related to the current story to make sense of it all.

Just about every expansion besides legion and bfa you follow the zones in a certain order for leveling. But when I say msq I’m not talking about just leveling. I’m saying a whole quest line that spawns the whole entire expansion.

We have something like that with campaign quests anyways, but a lot of them really don’t do much for the story. Like the covenant campaigns had some copy paste from other covenants.

You sir seem like in general you don’t like story or lore in games. Might want to stay away from rpgs and play other games.

ZM isn’t the first ones connection to the realm of death - it seems to claim it is the place of the origin of all life.

Logically - given the information we have. All the pantheons were created here. Everything we know as reality in game was created here.

Never says “only things related to death were created here”.

Even then the story wouldn’t make sense. It’s crap.

I’ve been playing rpgs for over 30 years. I love games with good stories, I love games with weird and quirky stories. I love games with funny stories.

SL has not succeeded in any of these. Other expansions were better. Not the best, but good enough to leave a world that felt coherent. SL changed that.

I think life has something to do with it too.

The people that heavily played this game are older now, have busy lives, less time for games that require an investment. Younger people coming into the game don’t want time investments. They want things faster, easier… without any grind or time gating.

Puttering gamers like me never expected to have the best gear. But we see it all the time now, people demanding high ilevel gear to be made available to the “casual” because they don’t have time to raid…

Faster, easier is all well and good but then what’s left.


They used to be able to. I don’t think the people who currently work there are able.

What I see is casuals asking for slightly better than horrible gear being attacked by elites who think that casuals only deserve inadequate gear and never any upgrades whatever if they aren’t willing to do whatever it takes to turn themselves into elites who play like wow is the only important thing to them.


We must be reading different threads then.

Even if it took an RL MONTH to craft an item made by a Profession that qualifies for Raid+ item level, and then more time on top of that to make it even better, would that be enough?

they tried that with ve’nari but danuser couldnt focus on anyone other than his undead waifu so she was abandoned

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Might’ve been Afrasiabi (?) instead.

Or at the very least started with him…

Nah, people blame Afrasiabi for too much, Danuser has had plenty of time to show us he can write.


Despite Danuser literally failing to do so…